Giuseppe Quaranta


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Experimental dynamic characterization of a new composite glubam-steel truss structure JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING 2019
Analysis of near-fault pulse-like seismic signals through Variational Mode Decomposition technique ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 2019
Energy harvesting from piezoelectric strips attached to systems under random vibrations SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS 2019
Reduced-order modeling with multiple scales of electromechanical systems for energy harvesting THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. SPECIAL TOPICS 2019
Response of RC frames under pulse-like seismic ground motion: preliminary results 1st Eurasian Conference on OpenSEES 2019
Nonlinear multiscale dynamics of flexible piezoelectric structures: the role of micromechanics and electrical variables First International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference - Book of Abstracts 2019
A variational approach for energy-based analysis of near-fault pulse-like seismic records 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - Proceedings vol. II 2019
Modellazione parametrica di pareti a telaio leggero in legno mediante OpenSEES Atti del XVIII Convegno ANIDIS L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia : Ascoli Piceno, 15-19 settembre 2019 2019
Parametric modeling of timber light-frame shear walls using OpenSEES: preliminary results PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1ST EURASIAN CONFERENCE ON OPENSEES:OPENSEES DAYS EURASIA 2019
Optimal design of energy harvesting from vibration subject to stochastic colored Gaussian process JOURNAL OF PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS 2019
On the use of the equivalent linearization for bilinear oscillators under pulse-like ground motion ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 2018
Analysis of piezoelectric energy harvester under modulated and filtered white Gaussian noise MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING 2018
A two-step hybrid approach for modeling the nonlinear dynamic response of piezoelectric energy harvesters SHOCK AND VIBRATION 2018
Nonlinear modeling of a piezoelectric fractional order system for energy harvesting applications Proceedings of the 5th Workshop in Devices, Materials and Structures for Energy Harvesting and Storage 2018
A permanent wireless dynamic monitoring system for the Colosseum in Rome JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY AND MAINTENANCE 2018
Limit analysis of masonry structures based on fictitious associative-type contact interface laws Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Methods 2018
Probabilistic analysis and design of piezoelectric energy harvesting devices under modulated and filtered white Gaussian noise Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (2018, Qingdao, China) 2018
Dynamic monitoring and model updating of the Leaning Tower of Pisa Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (7WCSCM) 2018
Energy harvesting from vertical pedestrian-induced vibrations of footbridges Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (7WCSCM) 2018
Dynamic properties of a bamboo-steel spatial truss structure Proceedings of the Global Bamboo and Rattan Congress 2018 2018


  • PE8_3


  • Big data & computing

Interessi di ricerca

  • Structural Monitoring and Control 
    • Sensing systems for structural monitoring
    • Dynamic identification
    • Diagnostic of civil structures and infrastructures
    • Passive devices for vibrations control of structures
  • Structural Concrete
    • Analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures
    • Analysis and design of truss-reinforced composite steel-concrete beams


Civil and Structural Engineering
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Building and Construction
Piezoelectric energy harvesters

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma