Filippo Maria Nimbi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Desiderio e fantasie sessuali: una ricerca esplorativa su donne con differenti orientamenti sessuali RIVISTA DI SESSUOLOGIA CLINICA 2021
The Biopsychosocial Model and the Sex-Positive Approach: an Integrative Perspective for Sexology and General Health Care SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2021
Editorial: Psychological Dimensions in Human Sexual Health and Behavior FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2021
NIMBI F.M. (2021). Harm reduction in psycho-sexology. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology 9(S2):116-118. MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
NIMBI F.M. (2021). Sexuality in breast cancer survivors: sexual experiences, emotions, and cognitions in a group of women under hormonal therapy. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology 9(S2):26 MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Galizia R., NIMBI F.M., Rossi R., Simonelli C. (2021). Sexual fantasies and their use in clinical practice: a systematic review. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology 9(S2):52. MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Tumore al seno e sessualità: uno studio esplorativo sugli aspetti psicologici e affettivi RIVISTA DI SESSUOLOGIA CLINICA 2021
Sex in Chemsex: Sexual Response, Motivations, and Sober Sex in a Group of Italian Men Who Have Sex With Men With Sexualized Drug Use JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE 2021
The International Sexual Health And Reproductive Health Survey (I-SHARE-1): A Multi-Country Analysis of Adults from 30 Countries Prior to and During the Initial COVID-19 Wave CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2021
Could educational programs in sexology have an influence on attitudes towards same-sex marriage and parenting? SEXOLOGIES 2020
Genital pain and sexual functioning: effects on sexual experience, psychological health, and quality of life JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE 2020
Endometriosis, sexuality and satisfaction: a pilot study on women with and without infertility SEXOLOGIES 2020
Sexological aspects related to Tinder use: a comprehensive review of the literature SEXUAL MEDICINE REVIEWS 2020
Can Physical and/or Sexual Abuse Play a Role in the Female Choice of a Partner? A Cross-Sectional, Correlational Pilot Study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
Chemsex in Italy: Experiences of Men Who Have Sex With Men Consuming Illicit Drugs to Enhance and Prolong Their Sexual Activity JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE 2020
Italian validation of the Hypersexual Behavior Inventory (HBI): Psychometric characteristics of a self-report tool evaluating a psychopathological facet of sexual behavior JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 2020
Haptic and Somesthetic Communication in Sexual Medicine SEXUAL MEDICINE REVIEWS 2020
Sexual Desire and Fantasies in the LGBT+ Community: Focus on Lesbian Women and Gay Men CURRENT SEXUAL HEALTH REPORTS 2020
Sexual Desire and Fantasies in the LGBT+ Community: a Focus on Bisexuals, Transgender, and Other Shades of the Rainbow CURRENT SEXUAL HEALTH REPORTS 2020
Sexual Fantasies and Stereotypical Gender Roles: The Influence of Sexual Orientation, Gender and Social Pressure in a Sample of Italian Young-Adults FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2020


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