Eugenio Fazio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Supervised and unsupervised learning using a fully-plastic all-optical unit of artificial intelligence based on solitonic waveguides NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS 2021
Stigmergic electronic gates and networks JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ELECTRONICS 2021
Prediction of the microclimate through NAR and NARX neural networks: application to Rosenborg Castle, museum partner of the CollectionCare project CollectionCare Conference 2021
Interpreting Mueller matrix of anisotropic material 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2021 2021
Mueller matrix polarimetry for differentiating characteristic features of different materials (wood, shinning steel, unpolished plastic) URSI GASS 2021 2021
Multiple scattering by two PEC sphere XXXIVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS) 2021 2021
To study the Mueller matrix polarimetry for the characterization of wood and Teflon flat samples RESULTS IN OPTICS 2021
Stigmergic Electronic Gates and Networks ELECTRONICS 2020
Polarization imaging for identifying the microscopical orientation of biological structures Proc. URSI GASS 2020 2020
Characterization of microscopical anisotropy of Biological Tissues by Polarization Imaging Proc. 2020 Italian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP) 2020
Photonic implementation of an elementary unit of artificial intelligence based on solitonic waveguides ICOP2020 Italian Optics and Photonics Conference 2020
Scattering of Light from the Systemic Circulatory System DIAGNOSTICS 2020
Addressable refraction and curved soliton waveguides using electric interfaces APPLIED SCIENCES 2019
Solitonic waveguide reflection at an electric interface OPTICS EXPRESS 2019
Stigmergic reinforcement learning using All-Optical soltionic X-junctions EOS SIOF CAPRI MEETINGS OµS’19 2019
All-Optical Reinforcement Learning in Solitonic X-Junctions SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
Cluster analysis of microclimate data to optimize the number of sensors for the assessment of indoor environment within museums ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2018
A road towards the photonic hardware implementation of artificial cognitive circuits JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Optically functionalized biomorphism of bean seeds JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE 2017
Novel paradigm for integrated photonics circuits: transient interconnection network Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems VI 2017


  • LS1
  • PE2_12
  • PE3_10
  • PE6_7
  • PE7_5
  • PE7_11

Interessi di ricerca

Eugenio Fazio è professore di Fisica Sperimentale presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale.

È un esperto di ottica lineare e nonlineare e laser

è un esperto di solitoni ottici spaziali che costituiscono argomento di ricerca sin dagli anni 90. Attualmente sta studiando sistemi solitonici che trasportano momento angolare orbitante. Inoltre applica i fasci solitonici come guide d’onda di volume per realizzare circuiteria fotonica a bassissime perdite di propagazione, in grado eventualmente anche di modificare configurazione secondo necessità. 

Studia sistemi di Intelligenza Artificiale completamente ottica: in particolare, si sta occupando di sistemi sia ottici sia a tecnologia ibrida ottica-plasmonica in grado di imparare, riconoscere e memorizzare informazioni. Ha realizzato tecniche hardware di machine-learning ottico, e le sta applicando nell’ambito delle psico-memorie, cioè memorie che simulano i processi di apprendimento e memorizzazione umani: memorie episodiche, procedurali e semantiche.

Si occupa anche di sensoristica ottica in ambito biologico e ambientale, per la caratterizzazione di oggetti sia di natura organica (virus, batteri, funghi, spore, ecc….) che inorganica (cristalli, compositi, plastiche ecc…) alla micro- e nano-scala.

Studia i sistemi di sicurezza laser.

Studia anche sistemi software sistemi intelligenti applicati al monitoraggio ambientale per la previsione del microclima in ambienti chiusi, come ad esempio musei o fabbriche.


Per coloro che fossero interessati, sono disponibili argomenti per tesi di laurea magistrale sulle tematiche descritte.


Per contattarmi:

Dipartimento SBAI, Via Antonio Scarpa 16, palazzina RM009

telefono: 06.4991.6543




Eugenio Fazio is professor of Experimental Physics at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering.
He is an expert in linear and nonlinear optics and lasers.
he is an expert on space optical solitons which have been a topic of research since the 1990s. He is currently studying solitonic systems carrying orbiting angular momentum. Furthermore, he applies soliton beams as 3D volume waveguides to create photonic circuitry with very low propagation losses, possibly also capable of modifying the configuration as needed.
He studies completely optical Artificial Intelligence systems: in particular, he is working on both optical and hybrid optical-plasmonic technology systems capable of learning, recognizing and memorizing information. He has created optical machine-learning hardware techniques, and is applying them in the field of psycho-memories, i.e. memories that simulate human learning and memorization processes: episodic, procedural and semantic memories.
It also deals with optical sensors in the biological and environmental fields, for the characterization of objects of both organic (viruses, bacteria, fungi, spores, etc.) and inorganic (crystals, composites, plastics, etc.) nature at the micro- and nano-scales.
He studies laser safety systems.
He also studies intelligent software systems applied to environmental monitoring for predicting the microclimate in closed environments, such as museums or factories.
For those who are interested, topics for master's thesis on the previously described topics are available.
To contact me:
SBAI Department, Via Antonio Scarpa 16, building RM009
telephone: 06.4991.6543

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma