Roberta Ravanelli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
An Open Source Ransac-Based Plug-In for Unsupervised Building Roof Extraction from LiDAR Point Clouds IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2022
DSM Generation from Single and Cross-Sensor Multi-View Satellite Images Using the New Agisoft Metashape: The Case Studies of Trento and Matera (Italy) REMOTE SENSING 2021
Sharing soil and building geophysical data for seismic characterization of cities using CLARA Webgis. A case study of Matera (southern Italy) APPLIED SCIENCES 2021
Modelling the Rongorongo tablets: A new transcription of the Échancrée tablet and the foundation for decipherment attempts DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP IN THE HUMANITIES 2021
Tack project. Tunnel and bridge automatic crack monitoring using deep learning and photogrammetry INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2020
COSMO-SkyMed Range Measurements for Displacement Monitoring Using Amplitude Persistent Scatterers International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2020
First Test of Agisoft Metashape Satellite Image Processing for DSM Generation. A Case Study in Trento with Pléiades Imagery IGARSS 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2020
Foss4g date for dsm generation: Sensitivity analysis of the semi-global block matching parameters INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2019
3D high-quality modeling of small and complex archaeological inscribed objects: Relevant issues and proposed methodology INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2019
Orthoimage Generation by GÖKTÜRK-1: A Test Case in Rome PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 2019
py2DIC. A New Free and Open Source Software for Displacement and Strain Measurements in the Field of Experimental Mechanics SENSORS 2019
An original algorithm for bim generation from indoor survey point clouds INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2019
Sea level rise scenario for 2100 A.D. for the archaeological site of Motya RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2019
3D modelling of the Mamari tablet from the Rongorongo corpus: Acquisition, processing issues, and outcomes INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2019
Digital image correlation from commercial to FOS software. A mature technique for full-field displacement measurements INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2018
Monitoring urban heat island through google earth engine. Potentialities and difficulties in different cities of the United States INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2018
3D modelling of archaeological small finds by the structure sensor range camera: comparison of different scanning applications APPLIED GEOMATICS 2018
Monitoring the impact of land cover change on surface urban heat island through google earth engine. Proposal of a global methodology, first applications and problems REMOTE SENSING 2018
Implementation and assessment of two density-based outlier detection methods over large spatial point clouds OPEN GEOSPATIAL DATA, SOFTWARE AND STANDARDS 2018

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