Giulia Zacchia


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Alla ricerca del contributo perduto: (in)visibilità delle economiste nelle riviste italiane dal 1930 al 1970 MONETA E CREDITO 2019
Diversity of backgrounds and ideas: The case of research evaluation in economics RESEARCH POLICY 2019
The complexity of #MeToo: the evolution of the Twitter campaign in Europe The #MeToo Social Media Effect and its Potentials for Social Change in Europe 2019
On the evolution of the glass ceiling in Italian academia: the case of economics SCIENCE IN CONTEXT 2019
La complessità del #Metoo in Europa DWF 2019
“Il fattore “D” nell'università italiana: il caso delle economiste SAPERI di GENERE Prospettive interdisciplinari su formazione, università, lavoro, politiche e movimenti sociali 2018
A Case Study of Pluralism in Economics: The Heterodox Glass Ceiling in Italy REVIEW OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 2018
The Two Faces of Economic Forecasting in Italy: Vera Cao Pinna and Almerina Ipsevich Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought 2018
A new European microfinance panel data set: The European Microfinance Network survey 2006-2015 EMN Working Paper 2018
The History of Economic Thought and Mainstream Economics: A Long-Term Analysis Money, Finance and Crises in Economic History 2018
Un anno di #MeToo. Il costo delle molestie INGENERE NEWSLETTER 2018
Gendered careers: women economists in Italy Working Papers CEB 17-003CEB Working Paper 2017
La microfinanza in Europa MONETA E CREDITO 2017
Memoria di un’inguaribile combattente: Irma Adelman MONETA E CREDITO 2017
Bibliometrics vs. Diversity in the Top Academic Career Positions in Economics in Italy CEB Working Papers 2017
Is history of economics what historians economic of economic thought do? A quantitative investigation HISTORY OF ECONOMIC IDEAS 2016
Paolo Sylos Labini: Reflections of a Classical Economist PSL QUARTERLY REVIEW 2016
On the Efficiency of Italian Universities: A Comment ITALIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL 2016
Segregation or homologation? Gender differences in recent Italian economic thought 2016

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