Egidio Lofrano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Capitolo 6 - Monitoraggio strutturale sostenibile - Introduzione Progetto SISMI-DTC Lazio. Conoscenze e innovazioni per la ricostruzione il miglioramento sismico dei centri storici del Lazio 2020
Measured properties of structural damping in railway bridges JOURNAL OF CIVIL STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING 2019
A pseudo-modal structural damage index based on orthogonal empirical mode decomposition PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. PART C, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE 2019
A statistically based method for the selection of sensors networks in dynamic damage detection of beams ANCRiSST 2019 Procedia: 14th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology 2019
Valutazione dello smorzamento strutturale nei ponti ferroviari Atti del convegno ANIDIS 2019 - XVIII Convegno 2019
Materials with anisotropic microstructure as micropolar continua, statical and dynamical simulations Atti del convegno CIVIL-COMP 2019 2019
Indagini comparative sui metodi di "rilascio di tensione" per il c.a.p. Evoluzione e sostenibilità delle strutture in calcestruzzo. Giornate aicap e Congresso CTE 2016. 2018
Natural frequencies and buckling of compressed non-symmetric thin-walled beams THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES 2017
Il comfort nelle passerelle pedonali. Parte 2: un caso studio COSTRUZIONI METALLICHE 2017
Compressive buckling for symmetric TWB with non-zero warping stiffness ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 2017
Perturbation damage indicators based on complex modes X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017PROCEDIA ENGINEERING 2017
Vibration and buckling of open TWBs with local weakening PROCEDIA ENGINEERING 2017
Performances of FRP reinforcements on masonry buildings evaluated by fragility curves COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES 2017
Experimental validation of a novel pseudo-modal approach for damage detection Procedia EngineeringPROCEDIA ENGINEERING 2017
Experimental results in damping evaluation of a high-speed railway bridge Procedia EngineeringPROCEDIA ENGINEERING 2017
Buckling of an open thin-walled beam with an intermediate stiffener AIMETA 2017 - Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2017
Model identification of damping in railway beam bridges Atti del XVII CONVEGNO ANIDIS "L'Ingegneria sismica in Italia" 2017
Experimental modal analysis of straight and curved slender beams by piezoelectric transducers MECCANICA 2016
Dynamic identification of classically damped uncertain structures Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification 2016
Experimental and numerical elastodynamic analysis of compressed open thin-walled beams Proceedings of the 34th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2016, Nonlinear Dynamics 2016


  • PE8_3
  • PE8_4
  • PE8_10


  • Big data & computing

Interessi di ricerca

After performed as Research fellow at the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering of the “Sapienza” University of Rome (from May 1, 2015) and Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the same university (from October 2, 2017), in 2018 he wins the competition for a position as Assistant Professor at the same Faculty. He holds the position since March 1, 2019.

He is author/co-author of 47 scientific publications, including 13 articles on international journals and 34 contributions to national and international conferences and magazines, and supervisor of 17 graduation theses, one PhD thesis and 2 2nd Level Master degree theses. He is also co-author of the “Guidelines for the design of beam bridges” edited by ANAS S.p.A. in 2012, and author of one book chapter and 3 contributions on technical periodicals.

He currently carries out research in the following main areas: dynamics and stability of elastic structures in finite geometry, thin walled beams, dynamic identification of structures with uncertain parameters, damage identification.


Thin-walled beams
Dynamic identification
Damage Identification
stochastic analysis
Lyapunov stability analysis

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