Emma Galli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Transparency and Socio-political Environment in Italy Italian Studies on Quality of Life 2019
Does Corruption Influence the Self-Restraint Attitude of Women-led SMEs towards Bank Lending? CESIFO ECONOMIC STUDIES 2018
Dimensions of civic activism and their effectiveness in exposing corruption: Evidence from Italy APPLIED ECONOMICS 2018
The past and future of the Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice JOURNAL OF PUBLIC FINANCE AND PUBLIC CHOICE (PRINT) 2018
Transparency and Performance in the Italian Large Municipalities ECONOMIA PUBBLICA 2018
Legal-institutional environment, social capital and cost of bank financing for SMEs: Evidence from the Euro-area Access to bank credit and SME financing, Palgrave Macmillan 2017
Domenico da Empoli (1941–2016) HOMO OECONOMICUS 2017
Small Firms, Corruption, and Demand for Credit. Evidence from the Euro Area INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH 2017
La legalità in gioco. I giovani di fronte all'illegalità degli adulti. La legalità in gioco. I giovani di fronte all'illegalità degli adulti. 2017
La spesa pubblica rivela i suoi segreti MENABO' DI ETICA ED ECONOMIA 2017
Misurare la corruzione e la trasparenza: un’impresa possibile MISURARE LA CORRUZIONE OGGI Obiettivi, metodi, esperienze 2017
L’evasione fiscale in Italia tra aspetti teorici ed evidenze empiriche RIVISTA DI DIRITTO TRIBUTARIO INTERNAZIONALE 2017
Bank credit access and gender discrimination: some stilyzed facts The global financial crisis, bank behaviour and the credit crunch 2016
How long does it take for government decentralization to affect corruption? ECONOMICS OF GOVERNANCE 2015
Different Veils for Different Levels of Governments: The Veil of Ignorance in Shaping the Italian Decentralization Behind a Veil of Ignorance?: Power and Uncertainty in Constitutional Design 2015
Scienza delle Finanze Scienza delle Finanze 2015

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