Emanuele Cerulli Irelli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Acute-onset binocular diplopia in neurological unit: aetiological factors and diagnostic assessment ACTA NEUROLOGICA SCANDINAVICA 2021
Water drinking behavior: a clinical clue for the diagnosis of limbic encephalitis in an elderly patient ACTA NEUROLOGICA BELGICA 2021
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Patients With Epilepsy: Reciprocal Influence and Impact on Seizure Occurrence FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 2021
Reconsidering the role of selective sodium channel blockers in genetic generalized epilepsy ACTA NEUROLOGICA SCANDINAVICA 2021
Letter to the editor: focal non-convulsive status epilepticus manifesting as utilization behavior NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2021
Unilateral catalepsy in non-convulsive status epilepticus EPILEPTIC DISORDERS 2021
Musicogenic epilepsy in paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis: a video-EEG case report EPILEPTIC DISORDERS 2021
Brain Volume Alterations Using 3tesla Magnetic Resonance and Neuropsychological Findings in Gaucher Disease Patients BLOOD 2021
Adjunctive Brivaracetam in Focal Epilepsy: Real-World Evidence from the BRIVAracetam add-on First Italian netwoRk STudy (BRIVAFIRST) CNS DRUGS 2021
An uncommon case of thunderclap headache in a patient with Marfan syndrome ACTA NEUROLOGICA BELGICA 2020
Anxiety as the only manifestation of focal non-convulsive status epilepticus: case report and review of the literature NEUROCASE 2020
Valproate impact and sex-dependent seizure remission in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2020
The potential impact of enhanced hygienic measures during the COVID-19 outbreak on hospital-acquired infections: A pragmatic study in neurological units JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2020
Multi-Parameter Neurological Study Based on Combined Conventional and Functional Assessments in Gaucher Disease Patients (SENOPRO_GAUCHER Study) BLOOD 2020
Reduction in nosocomial infections during the COVID-19 era: a lesson to be learned UPDATES IN SURGERY 2020
Seizures in autoimmune encephalitis: Findings from an EEG pooled analysis SEIZURE 2020
Pharmacokinetic considerations about antiseizure medications in the elderly EXPERT OPINION ON DRUG METABOLISM & TOXICOLOGY 2020
Persistent treatment resistance in genetic generalized epilepsy: A long-term outcome study in a tertiary epilepsy center EPILEPSIA 2020
Multidimensional neuropsychiatric evaluation in an Italian cohort of Gaucher disease 1 patients: A prospective study. Neurological Sciences 2020
Multi-parameter, neurological, prospective study (SENOPRO_GAUCHER study) of type 1 Gaucher Disease patients: preliminary results 2020


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drug resistant epilepsy
Patient history Clinical history Photosensitivity Epilepsy Reflex seizures Self-induction
late onset epilepsy of unknown etiology
clinical neurology
antiepileptic drugs

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma