Guido Antonelli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Integration of the viral genome into the host cell genome: a double-edged sword CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION 2016
Evaluation of performances of VERSANT HCV RNA 1.0 assay (kPCR) and Roche COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HCV test v2.0 at low level viremia NEW MICROBIOLOGICA 2016
MALDI-TOF MS VS VITEK2: comparison of systems for the identification of microorganisms responsible of bacteremia. CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY 2016
Bronchiolitis. Analysis of 10 consecutive epidemic seasons PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY 2016
Emerging issues on hepatitis C virus infection after the introduction of the Directly Acting Antivirals CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION 2016
Evolution of the Koch postulates: towards a 21st-century understanding of microbial infection CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION 2016
Ebolavirus and evidence-based speculations NEW MICROBIOLOGICA 2016
IFN-stimulated gene expression is independent of the IFNL4 genotype in chronic HIV-1 infection ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY 2016
Analysis of the mRNA expression of DNA damage response genes in HIV infected patients JOURNAL OF CLINICAL VIROLOGY 2016
MicroRNA-29 family expression and its relation to antiviral immune response and viro-immunological markers in HIV-1-infected patients BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2015
Lack of usutu virus RNA in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with encephalitis of unknown etiology, Tuscany, Italy JOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY 2015
Twenty-five years of type I interferon-based treatment: A critical analysis of its therapeutic use CYTOKINE & GROWTH FACTOR REVIEWS 2015
Immunodeficiency-associated viral oncogenesis CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION 2015
Interplay between β herpesviruses and fungal infections in transplant patients: from the bench to the bedside FUTURE VIROLOGY 2015
Analysis of Th17 and Tc17 frequencies and antiviral defenses in gut-associated lymphoid tissue of chronic HIV-1 positive patients MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION 2015
Variation in interferon sensitivity and induction between Usutu and West Nile (lineages 1 and 2) viruses VIROLOGY 2015
TLR9 is expressed in human papillomavirus-positive cervical cells and is overexpressed in persistent infections IMMUNOBIOLOGY 2015
CMV load quantitation by the automated VERSANT k-PCR Molecular System in plasma of transplanted patients JOURNAL OF CLINICAL VIROLOGY 2015
Dynamics of HIV DNA and residual viremia in patients treated with a raltegravir-containing regimen. JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES 2015
Is hepatitis C virus eradication around the corner only 25 years after its discovery? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS 2015

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