Marco Lauriola


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Associations Between Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation: the Key Role of Describing and Nonreactivity MINDFULNESS 2018
Efficacy of Sedation and Analgesia by Midazolam in Association with Meperidine or Fentanyl for Elective Colonoscopy DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE. SUPPLEMENT 2017
Personality, positivity and happiness: a mediation analysis using a Bifactor Model JOURNAL OF HAPPINESS STUDIES 2017
The assessment of mindfulness skills: the “what” and the “how” JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH 2017
Dimensions of mindfulness and their relations with psychological well-being and neuroticism MINDFULNESS 2017
Attitude toward ambiguity empirically robust factors in Self-Report Personality Scales ASSESSMENT 2016
Do amoral familism and political distrust really affect North–South differences in Italy? JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Intolerance of uncertainty: a temporary experimental induction procedure PLOS ONE 2016
Meta-analysis of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale - Expanded (BPRS-E) structure and arguments for a new version JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 2016
Applying the implicit association test to measure intolerance of uncertainty PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS 2016
Hierarchical factor structure of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale short form (IUS-12) in the Italian version TPM. TESTING, PSYCHOMETRICS, METHODOLOGY IN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Integrating values and cognitive style in a model of right-wing radicalism PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2015
Does positivity mediate the relation of extraversion and neuroticism with subjective happiness? PLOS ONE 2015
Epistemic curiosity and self-regulation PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2015
Cerebellar damage impairs the self-rating of regret feeling in a gambling task FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE 2015
The state adult attachment measure (SAAM): a construct and incremental validity study PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2015
The Complex Trauma Questionnaire (ComplexTQ). Development and preliminary psychometric properties of an instrument for measuring early relational trauma FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2015
Regulatory mode and risk-taking: The mediating role of anticipated regret PLOS ONE 2015

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