Svetlana Lorenzano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
TESPI (Thrombolysis in Elderly Stroke Patients in Italy): randomized controlled trial of alteplase versus standard treatment in patients aged >80 years within 3 hrs of stroke onset NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2017
Intracerebral hemorrhage of iatrogenic origin: incidence, management, and outcome NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2017
Thromboembolic risk stratification and outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke and heart failure EUROPEAN STROKE JOURNAL 2017
Embolic strokes of undetermined source (esus): incidence, risk profiles and outcome EUROPEAN STROKE JOURNAL 2017
High values of baseline and 24-hour mean arterial pressure are associated with lower chance of early neurological improvement in acute stroke patients treated with thrombolysis NEUROLOGY 2017
Intracerebral hemorrhage of iatrogenic origin: incidence, management and outcome EUROPEAN STROKE JOURNAL 2017
High values of baseline and 24-hour mean arterial pressure are associated with lower chance of early neurological improvement in acute stroke patients treated with thrombolysis EUROPEAN STROKE JOURNAL 2017
Thromboembolic risk stratification and outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke and heart failure NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2017
A possible role of impaired cell-mediated immunity in the pathogenesis of tumefactive demyelinating lesions. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND RELATED DISORDERS 2017
Detection of silent atrial fibrillation after ischemic Stroke (SAFFO) guided by implantable loop recorder. multicentre italian trial based on stroke unit network with paired cardio-arrhythmology units (Italian neurocardiology unit network) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE 2016
Seeking the "Holy Grail" of biomarkers which improve stroke risk prediction of clinical scores NEUROLOGY 2016
High values of baseline and 24-hour mean arterial pressure are associated with lower chance of early neurological improvement in acute stroke patients treated with thrombolysis NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2016
Moderate/severe white matter hyperintensity correlates with poor short-term outcome in acute stroke patients treated with thrombolysis NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2016
Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based markers of cerebrovascular disease and the risk of stroke Risk factors for cerebrovascular disease and stroke 2016
CT perfusion and angiographic assessment of pial collateral reperfusion in acute ischemic stroke: the CAPRI study JOURNAL OF NEUROINTERVENTIONAL SURGERY 2016
Vestibular projections – beyond the reflex NEUROLOGY 2016
Detection of Silent Atrial Fibrillation aFter ischemic strOke (SAFFO) guided by implantable loop recorder. a multicentre Italian trial based on neurocardiology unit network INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE 2015
Detection of Silent Atrial Fibrillatyion aFter Ischemic strOke (SAFFO) guided by implantable loop recorder. Multicenter Italian trial based on Stroke Unit network with paired Cardio-Arrhythmology Units (Italian Neurocardiology Unit Network) NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2015
Hyperacute levels of high sensitivity C-reactive protein and changes of metalloproteinase 2 improve the accuracy of outcome prediction in acute ischemic stroke INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE 2015
Mismatch salvage volume up to 24 h from stroke onset predicts favorable outcome in acute ischemic stroke INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE 2015

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma