Leonardo Salvatore Alaimo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Territorial Determinants of the Brexit Vote SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH 2019
Sustainable Development and Territorial Differences: an Italian Analysis of Economic Sustainability Ph.D. Course in applied social sciences. Working Papers 2019
Sustainable Development Goals Indicators at Territorial Level: Conceptual and Methodological Issues—The Italian Perspective SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH 2019
Monitoring SDGs at territorial level: the case of Lombardy Smart Statistics for Smart Applications. Book of short papers SIS2019 2019
Fair and sustainable well-being indicators for European countries: Comparing different synthesizing approaches 62 ISI World Statistics Congress 2019 - Abstract Book 2019
Experience-Based Food Insecurity Scales, a Non-Aggregative Approach to Synthesis of Indicators Program and Book of Abstracts of the 32nd edition of the European Meeting of Statisticians 2019
The amazing bond among wine consumption, health and hedonistic well-being BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL 2019
Linkage between moderate wins consumption and well-being: analysis of Italian consumers by regions over time Business Management Theories and Practices in a Dynamic Competitive Environment. 12th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business 2019
VI Convegno Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana per gli Studi sulla Qualità della Vita - AIQUAV 2019 - Benessere Collettivo e Scelte Individuali 2019
Misurare l'uguaglianza di genere. Un'analisi regionale per l'Italia 2019
Demographic and Socio-Economic Factors Influencing the Brexit Vote RIVISTA ITALIANA DI ECONOMIA, DEMOGRAFIA E STATISTICA 2018
Brexit in Italy: Text mining of social media Book of Short Papers SIS2018 2018
Factors Influencing the Brexit Vote: an Aggregate Analysis. Working papers Phd Course in Applied Social Sciences - Department of Social Sciences and Economics SapienzaPh.D. Course in applied social sciences. Working Papers 2018
Brexit and Twitter: The voice of people JADT’ 18, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on statistical analysis of textual data 2018
A partial ordering application in synthetizing dimensions of subjective well-being 12th International Conference on Partial Orders in Applied Sciences. Book of Abstracts 2018
Gli indicatori regionali per lo studio delle disuguaglianze economiche ENERGIA, AMBIENTE E INNOVAZIONE 2018
Differenze di genere nell'accesso e nella qualità del lavoro: un'analisi regionale. AIQUAV 2018. V Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana per gli Studi sulla Qualità della Vita. Libro dei Contributi Brevi. 2018
Sviluppo sostenibile e differenze regionali. AIQUAV 2018. V Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana per gli Studi sulla Qualità della Vita. Libro dei Contributi Brevi. 2018
Gender inequality in Italy: a territorial analysis RIVISTA ITALIANA DI ECONOMIA, DEMOGRAFIA E STATISTICA 2018

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