Matteo Paoluzzi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Hidden velocity ordering in dense suspensions of self-propelled disks PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2020
Information and motility exchange in collectives of active particles SOFT MATTER 2020
Narrow-escape time and sorting of active particles in circular domains PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2020
Surfing and crawling macroscopic active particles under strong confinement. Inertial dynamics PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2020
Probing the Debye spectrum in glasses using small system sizes PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2020
Low-frequency excitations and their localization properties in glasses CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 2019
Relation between Heterogeneous Frozen Regions in Supercooled Liquids and Non-Debye Spectrum in the Corresponding Glasses PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2019
Probing the non-Debye low-frequency excitations in glasses through random pinning PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2018
Fractal aggregation of active particles PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2018
Flocking transitions in confluent tissues SOFT MATTER 2018
Effective equilibrium picture in the xy model with exponentially correlated noise PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2018
Memory-less response and violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in colloids suspended in an active bath SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Velocity distribution in active particles systems SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
Shape and displacement fluctuations in soft vesicles filled by active particles SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016

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