Paolo Gualtieri


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Application of the exact regularized point particle method (ERPP) to particle laden turbulent shear flows in the two-way coupling regime INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW 2018
Turbulence dynamics in separated flows: the generalised Kolmogorov equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic conditions JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS 2018
Flagellated microswimmers: hydrodynamics in thin liquid films THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. E, SOFT MATTER 2018
Turbulence modulation in heavy-loaded suspensions of tiny particles PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS 2017
Diffusivity of E. coli -like microswimmers in confined geometries: the role of the tumbling rate PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2017
Effect of geometry and Reynolds number on the turbulent separated flow behind a bulge in a channel JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS 2017
Hydrodynamics of flagellated microswimmers near free-slip interfaces JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS 2016
Energy fluxes in turbulent separated flows XXVII IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2015) 2016
Exact regularized point particle method for multi-phase flows in the two-way coupling regime JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS 2015
Experiments and dns of a round jet with turbulent inlet Proceedings - 15th European Turbulence Conference, ETC 2015 2015
Turbulence modulation in particle laden homogeneous shear flow: Exact Regularized Point Particle method 2015
Turbulence modulation in particle laden pipe flow: exact regularized point particle method Proceedings of the International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 2015
Transport of micro-bubbles in turbulent shear flows Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2015
Particle laden homogeneous shear flow in the two- way coupling regime: Exact Regularized Point Particle method Proceedings THMT 15 2015
Application of the Exact Regularized Point Particle method to turbulent pipe flow in the two-way coupling regime Proceedings THMT 15 2015
Turbulence dynamics in the separated region of channel flow with a lower curved wall Proceedings THMT 15 2015
An innovative approach for the simulation of particle-laden flows: exact regularized point particle method Atti XXII Congresso AIMETa 2015
Turbulence modulation due to inertial particles: exact regularized point particle method 2015
Flagellated microswimmers at no-slip and free-slip interfaces 2015

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