Carlo Di Paolo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Local vibratory stimulation for temporomandibular disorder myofascial pain treatment: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled preliminary study PAIN RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT 2020
“RA.DI.CA.” splint for the management of the mandibular functional limitation: A retrospective study on patients with anterior disc displacement without reduction INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
Application of a systematic protocol in the treatment of TMDs with occlusal appliances: effectiveness and efficiency in a longitudinal retrospective study with medium-term follow-up JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PREVENTIVE AND COMMUNITY DENTISTRY 2019
A novel universal device "LINGUAL RING Ri.P.A.Ra" for TMDs and cranio-cervico-mandibular pains: preliminary results of a randomized control clinical trial EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2018
Evaluation of temporomandibular disorders and comorbidities in patients with Ehler‑–Danlos: clinical and digital findings JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PREVENTIVE AND COMMUNITY DENTISTRY 2018
Subtyping patients with somatic tinnitus: modulation of tinnitus and history for somatic dysfunction help identify tinnitus patients with temporomandibular joint disorders PLOS ONE 2018
Relationship between cervical spine and skeletal class II in subjects with and without temporomandibular disorders PAIN RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT 2018
Evaluation of temporomandibular disorders before and after orthognathic surgery: therapeutic considerations on a sample of 76 patients JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PREVENTIVE AND COMMUNITY DENTISTRY 2017
Temporomandibular disorders and headache: a retrospective analysis of 1198 patients PAIN RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT 2017
The effects of surgical preparation techniques and implant macro-geometry on primary stability: an in vitro study MEDICINA ORAL, PATOLOGÍA ORAL Y CIRUGÍA BUCAL 2017
Digital evaluation of occlusal forces: comparison between healthy subjects and TMD patients ANNALI DI STOMATOLOGIA 2017
How much do Italian patients in supportive periodontal therapy know about the role of smoking in oral health and what is their lifestyle? JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PREVENTIVE AND COMMUNITY DENTISTRY 2017
Functional implications of minor mandibular asymmetry: clinical and digital research on a sample of healthy patients JOURNAL OF DENTAL AND ORAL HEALTH 2017
"All on short" prosthetic-implant supported rehabilitations ORAL & IMPLANTOLOGY 2017
Tinnitus in temporomandibular joint disorders: is it a specific somatosensory tinnitus subtype? THE INTERNATIONAL TINNITUS JOURNAL 2016
Diagnosi e terapia delle patologie dell'ATM: aspetti gnatologici. Diagnosis and management of TMJ disorders: gnathological issues DENTAL CADMOS 2016
Diagnosi e terapia delle patologie dell'ATM: aspetti chirurgici. Diagnosis and therapy of TMJ pathologies: surgical aspects DENTAL CADMOS 2016
Headache and temporo mandibular disorders: epidemiological assessment MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA 2016
Tinnitus in patients with temporo-mandibular joint disorder: proposal for a new treatment protocol JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 2015

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma