Francesco Dentale


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The role of waste collection centers in a circular economy scenario: an empirical study on the citizens' perception ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL 2019
Investigating the automatic in-group bias toward EU and its role for the development of a European Identity INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY 2019
Is it possible to measure narcissism implicitly? MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Measuring automatic value orientations. The Achievement-Benevolence Implicit Association Test BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Only believers rely on God? A new measure to investigate catholic faith automatic associations and their relationship with psychological well-being PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY 2018
Maternal symptoms of depression and paranoid ideation can be predictive of the onset of eating disorders in early adolescents offspring: A nine-year longitudinal study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY 2018
An Italian validation of the narcissistic admiration and rivalry questionnaire (NARQ): Further evidence for a two-dimensional model of grandiose narcissism BOLLETTINO DI PSICOLOGIA APPLICATA 2018
Investigating the protective role of global self-esteem on the relationship between stressful life events and depression. A longitudinal moderated regression model CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Factorial structure and construct validity of an italian version of the Fears of Compassion Scales. A study on non-clinical subjects PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY 2017
Effects of plantar reflexology on sleep and quality of life in patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy and hormonal therapies. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 2017
Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy and distress in breast cancer patients: The moderating role of generalized self-efficacy JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 2017
Measuring the automatic negative self-schema. New evidence for the construct and criterion validity of the depression implicit association SELF AND IDENTITY 2016
Applying the implicit association test to measure intolerance of uncertainty PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS 2016
Measuring implicit European and Mediterranean landscape identity. A tool proposal FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Self-serving bias in the implicit and explicit evaluation of partners and exes as parents. A pilot study PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS 2016
The wartegg drawing completion test. Inter-rater agreement and criterion validity of three new scoring categories INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY 2016
On the applicability of the Big Five Implicit Association Test in organizational settings CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Self-Esteem Implicit Association Test: A State or Trait Measure? Self-Esteem: Perspectives, Influences and Improvement Strategies 2016
Utilizzo del modello alternativo del DSM-5 per la valutazione della personalità in ambito canonico Discernere e Scegliere nella Chiesa 2016


  • SH4_2
  • SH4_3

Interessi di ricerca

  • Validazione strumenti di valutazione della personalità;
  • Misurazione implicita;
  • Modelli di verifica degli esiti degli interventi.


implicit measurement
psychotherapy outcome

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma