Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Influence of bitumen on the petrophysical properties of the Bolognano formation: a multidisciplinary approach applied to an area of the northern flank of Majella | Abstract Book, Petroleum Geology Student Contest- 2nd edition | 2017 |
Assessment of earthquake locations in 3-D deterministic velocity models. A case study from the Altotiberina Near Fault Observatory (Italy) | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SOLID EARTH | 2016 |
Pressure solution inhibition in a limestone–chert composite multilayer. Implications for the seismic cycle and fluid flow | TECTONOPHYSICS | 2015 |
A new methodology for paleostress reconstruction using theory, field observations and petrophysical data | 2015 |
My scientific activity is mainly focused on the petrophysical properties of rocks and their implications on fault mechanics, earthquake enucleation and localization, and reservoir characterization. My research approach integrates laboratory-scale data with larger-scale data acquired in the field or through geophysical surveys. Laboratory data derive mainly from uniaxial and triaxial deformation tests or static tests with acoustic measurements simulating crustal pressure and temperature conditions, while the field data range from classical structural geological surveys to the processing and interpretation of seismic or well data (electrical logs). This integration provides a broad view of the phenomena governing earthquake enucleation and subsurface fluid circulation, with implications ranging from earthquake geology to CO2 storage and subsurface resources estimation
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