Pietro Lio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Continuous authentication by free-text keystroke based on CNN and RNN COMPUTERS & SECURITY 2020
Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Models to Identify Pathways that Mediate Influences of Welding Fumes on Cancer Progression SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020
Evidence in cortical folding patterns for prenatal predispositions to hallucinations in schizophrenia TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 2020
Proximal distilled evolutionary reinforcement learning AAAI 2020 - 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020
Now you see me (CME): Concept-based model extraction CIKMW2020 Proceeding of the CIKM 2020 Workshops 2020
Neural Models for Brain Networks Connectivity Analysis Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics 2020
On second order behaviour in augmented neural ODEs Proceedings of the 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2020 2020
Constraining variational inference with geometric Jensen-Shannon divergence Advances in Neural INformation Processing Systems 2020
Abstract Diagrammatic Reasoning with Multiplex Graph Networks 8th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2020 2020
A deep spatiotemporal graph learning architecture for brain connectivity analysis 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) 2020
NeoHiC: A web application for the analysis of Hi-C data Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics 2020
MARLeME: A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Model Extraction Library 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2020
Introducing brain-heart crosstalks information in clinical decision support systems for TBI patients, through ICM+ 2020 11th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations (ESGCO) 2020
Arbitrary scale super-resolution for brain MRI images Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations 2020
Learning Mobility Flows from Urban Features with Spatial Interaction Models and Neural Networks**To appear in the Proceedings of 2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2020) 2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP) 2020
Path integral based convolution and pooling for graph neural networks Advances in Neural INformation Processing Systems 2020
Unsupervised stratification in neuroimaging through deep latent embeddings 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) 2020
Resolution of Blockchain Conflicts through Heuristics-based Game Theory and Multilayer Network Modeling ICDCN '20: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking 2020
Dynamic neural network channel execution for efficient training 30th British Machine Vision Conference 2019, BMVC 2019 2020
A novel Graph Attention Network Architecture for modeling multimodal brain connectivity Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 2020

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