Andrea Ravignani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Isochrony and rhythmic interaction in ape duetting PROCEEDINGS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2023
Spontaneous vocal coordination of vocalizations to water noise in rooks (Corvus frugilegus): An exploratory study ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2023
Measuring rhythms of vocal interactions: a proof of principle in harbour seal pups PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2023
Robust rhythm reporting will advance ecological and evolutionary research METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2023
Can rhythm-mediated reward boost learning, memory, and social connection? Perspectives for future research NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS 2023
High-fidelity transmission of auditory symbolic material is associated with reduced right-left neuroanatomical asymmetry between primary auditory regions CEREBRAL CORTEX 2023
PyGellermann: a Python tool to generate pseudorandom series for human and non-human animal behavioural experiments BMC RESEARCH NOTES 2023
Modelling the emergence of synchrony from decentralized rhythmic interactions in animal communication PROCEEDINGS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2023
The evolution of social timing PHYSICS OF LIFE REVIEWS 2023
Interhemispheric Brain Communication and the Evolution of Turn-Taking in Mammals FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2022
Vocal tract allometry in a mammalian vocal learner JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY 2022
A cross-species framework to identify vocal learning abilities in mammals PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2022
Spontaneous rhythm discrimination in a mammalian vocal learner BIOLOGY LETTERS 2022
A Collection of Best Practices for the Collection and Analysis of Bioacoustic Data APPLIED SCIENCES 2022
Caractéristiques rythmiques du chant de l'indri et nouvelles perspectives pour une évaluation comparative du rythme chez les primates non humains REVUE DE PRIMATOLOGIE 2022
From signal to symbol: The evolution of language EVOLUTIONARY ANTHROPOLOGY 2022
Joint origins of speech and music: Testing evolutionary hypotheses on modern humans SEMIOTICA 2021
Isochrony, vocal learning, and the acquisition of rhythm and melody BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES 2021
Strange Seal Sounds: Claps, Slaps, and Multimodal Pinniped Rhythms FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2021
Synchrony and rhythm interaction: From the brain to behavioural ecology PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2021

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