Domenico Liberatore


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Seismic behaviour of rubble masonry: Shake table test and numerical modelling EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS 2022
Pre- and post-simulations of shake-table tests on a stone masonry building aggregate using finite-discrete elements BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2022
Micromechanical Modeling of Unreinforced Masonry Arches Accounting for Flexural Hinges and Shear Slidings INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE 2022
Push ‘o ver. Numerical simulation of the Castel di Lama pushover test through a force-based equivalent frame model PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY 2022
Push ‘o ver. In situ pushover tests on as built and strengthened existing brickwork constructions PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY 2022
Development of parametric seismic fragility curves for historical churches BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2021
Low-impact techniques for seismic strengthening fair faced masonry walls CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 2021
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a masonry arch bridge accounting for damage evolution GEOSCIENCES 2021
Coseismic vertical ground deformations vs. intensity measures: Examples from the Apennines ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2021
A hysteretic model with damage based on Bouc-Wen formulation Proceedings of the XXIV AIMETA Conference 2019 2020
Damaging Behavior of Masonry Arch Bridges: Analysis of 'Ponte delle Torri' in Spoleto, Italy JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2020
Nonlinear analysis of masonry walls based on a damage-plastic formulation RILEM Bookseries 2019
Dynamic one-sided out-of-plane behavior of unreinforced-masonry wall restrained by elasto-plastic tie-rods INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE 2019
Effects of coseismic ground vertical motion on masonry constructions damage during the 2016 Amatrice-Norcia (Central Italy) earthquakes SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2019
Seismic demand on a unreinforced masonry wall restrained by elasto-plastic tie-rods under earthquake sequences INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE 2019
Mortar analysis of historic buildings damaged by recent earthquakes in Italy THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS 2019
Historical building codes issued after the strong Italian earthquakes of Norcia (1859) and Ischia (1883) ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS 2019
An enriched Bouc-Wen model with damage EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS. A, SOLIDS 2019
Equivalent frame modelling of masonry walls based on plasticity and damage INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE 2019

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