Mattia Giovanni Crespi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Glacier volume change monitoring from UAV observation. Issues and potentials of state-of-the-art techniques INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2020
Tack project. Tunnel and bridge automatic crack monitoring using deep learning and photogrammetry INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2020
Editorial for the special issue: "High-precision GNSS: Methods, open problems and geoscience applications" REMOTE SENSING 2020
Pyrgi. Analysis of possible climatic effects on a coastal archaeological site Eighth International Symposium “Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques” 2020
Tids Detection from Ship-Based GNSS Receiver. First Test on 2010 Maule Tsunami IGARSS 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings 2020
COSMO-SkyMed Range Measurements for Displacement Monitoring Using Amplitude Persistent Scatterers International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2020
First Test of Agisoft Metashape Satellite Image Processing for DSM Generation. A Case Study in Trento with Pléiades Imagery IGARSS 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2020
Impact of Galileo data on the solutions of the variometric approach for displacement analysis ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 2019
Data assimilation of GPS-ZTD into the RAMS model through 3D-Var: preliminary results at the regional scale MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2019
Estimation of wave characteristics based on global navigation satellite system data installed on board sailboats SENSORS 2019
A joint use of GNSS GEO and MEO satellites for earthquake and tsunami induced TIDs analysis: application to recent relevant events in the Pacific area EGU General Assembly 2019 Vol 21 2019
Wave characteristics estimation by GPS receivers installed on a sailboat travelling off-shore 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, MetroSea 2018 - Proceedings 2019
Consumer GNSS chipsets-based, dual-frequency receivers as enablers of precise navigation and dense networks MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2019
The VARION algorithm for moving GNSS receivers: preliminary testsand results EGU General Assembly 2019 Vol 21 2019
Foss4g date for dsm generation: Sensitivity analysis of the semi-global block matching parameters INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2019
Modeling the Near-field Ionospheric Disturbances During Earthquakes Proceedings of the ION 2019 Pacific PNT Meeting 2019
Orthoimage Generation by GÖKTÜRK-1: A Test Case in Rome PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 2019
py2DIC. A New Free and Open Source Software for Displacement and Strain Measurements in the Field of Experimental Mechanics SENSORS 2019
Advantages of geostationary satellites for Ionospheric anomaly studies. Ionospheric plasma depletion following a rocket launch REMOTE SENSING 2019
Sea level rise scenario for 2100 A.D. for the archaeological site of Motya RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2019

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