Lorenzo Imbesi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Introduction: Designing a Design Conference Design for Next 2017
:Blackbox: A Design Fiction research project Design for Next 2017
Design e phigital production: progettare nell'era dell'industria 4.0 Design & Industry 4.0 Revolution 2017
Design for Next Lazio 2017
Design for Next THE DESIGN JOURNAL 2017
Open Design: Collaborative Organization and Digital Democratization DESIGN PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES 2017
Design for Next Economy Design for Next Lazio 2017
Systems and Design: Beyond Processes and Thinking Systems & Design: Beyond Processes and Thinking 2016
Design for Social Innovation in Canada Design for Social Innovation in Canada 2016
Nomad + Design. Categorie. Vol. 1 Nomad + Design. 1. Categorie 2016
Nomad+Design. 2. Fenomeni Nomad+Design. 2. Fenomeni 2016
Design, Modernità, Industria: il “sogno infranto” del controllo totale DIID. DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 2016
Questioning the Health and Future of Design DESIGN PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES 2015
RESEARCH VECTORS IN DESIGN AND ARTS. An inductive approach to mapping academic design research experiences The Virtuous Circle 2015
THE RESPONSIBLE DESIGNER. Critical Ethics in the Design Discourse The Virtuous Circle 2015
Il Collezionista, il designer e l’hacker | The Collector, the designer and the hacker Type & Model. Ideas, Projects, Actions. 2015
Urban Gardening as Disruptive Design Practice THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DESIGN IN SOCIETY 2015
Perception, Meaning, and Design. An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Visual Communication Design Theory THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VISUAL DESIGN 2015
Meeting Environmental Certification in Design: a Toolkit Facilitating the Process of Eco-Labelling through LCA for Electronic Products THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DESIGNED OBJECTS 2015
Design, Modernità, Industria: il 'sogno infranto' del controllo totale DIID. DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 2015

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