Sibilla Di Pace


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Directional limits on persistent gravitational aves from Advanced LIGO's first observing run PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2017
All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the first Advanced LIGO run PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2017
A gravitational-wave standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant NATURE 2017
Estimating the Contribution of Dynamical Ejecta in the Kilonova Associated with GW170817 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS 2017
Search for intermediate mass black hole binaries in the first observing run of Advanced LIGO PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2017
Erratum: Upper Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from Advanced LIGO’s First Observing Run [Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 121101 (2017)] PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2017
Observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger 2017
Observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2016
GW150914: First results from the search for binary black hole coalescence with Advanced LIGO PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2016
Properties of the binary black hole merger GW150914 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2016
GW150914: Implications for the stochastic gravitational-wave background from binary black holes PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2016
GW151226: observation of gravitational waves from a 22-solar-mass binary black hole coalescence PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2016
High-energy neutrino follow-up search of gravitational wave event GW150914 with ANTARES and IceCube PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2016
Comprehensive all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the sixth science run LIGO data PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2016
Localization and broadband follow-up of the gravitational-wave transient GW150914 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS 2016
The rate of binary black hole mergers inferred from advanced LIGO observations surrounding GW150914 THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS 2016
Observing gravitational-wave transient GW150914 with minimal assumptions PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2016
Results of the deepest all-sky survey for continuous gravitational waves on LIGO S6 data running on the Einstein@Home volunteer distributed computing project PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2016
Binary black hole mergers in the first advanced LIGO observing run PHYSICAL REVIEW. X 2016
Upper limits on the rates of binary nautron star and neutron star black hole mergers from advanced Ligo's first observing run THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS 2016


  • PE2_4
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  • Micro/nano electronics & photonics

Interessi di ricerca

Gravitational Wave (GW) Detectors, Optics, Quantum Optics, Squeezing, Metrology

Experimental activities and responsibilities

Responsible of:

  •  low losses Faraday Isolators (FIs)in air and in vacuum for the injection of the frequency dependent squeezing (FDS) in Advanced Virgo+ for next observing run O4
  • optical design and assembly of the homodyne detector for FDS at Virgo
  • optomechanical design of SIPS (Suspended Interferometer for Ponderomotive Squeezing). Experiment aiming at reducing quantum noise in the detection band of ground- based GW detectors
    Work published: Eur. Phys. J. D (2020) 74: 227
    DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2020-10183-7
  • optical design of EPR squeezer for Advanced Virgo (co-responsible). Project funded by INFN for the realisation of a squeezer based on quantum entanglement (Einstein Podolsky Rosen) principle for broadband quantum noise reduction in Virgo.
  • optical design integration of SIPS and EPR squeezer for Advanced Virgo. Work presented at GW science and technology Symposium (GRASS) 2019 and published on Zenodo (2020) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3569196. The integration of EPR with SIPS will allow to test broadband quantum noise reduction in a suspended table-top interferometer before possible application on large scale interferometers such as Advanced Virgo.
  • R&D studies for the generation of Frequency Independent Squeezing for Virgo. Work published on Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 92, 054504 (2021) DOI: 10.1063/5.0046317

nov. 2019: Visiting Researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and collaboration with MIT-LIGO team for an experiment for the direct measurement of the thermal noise of mirror coatings, to study a strategy to improve coating thermal noise of GW ground-based detectors.

2018: R&D Studies on the Straylight for the future space mission LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, space-based GW detector to be launched in 2034). Work presented at the international conference NANOP 2018 and published on Open Mater. Sci. 2019; 5:12-18 (2019) DOI: 10.1515/oms-2019-0002

Teaching / tutoring activities and responsibilities

  • Co-supervisor of a PhD. student in theoretical and applied mechanics for the study and realisation of the local and global control system of SIPS interferometer.
  • Tutoring of last year Master student in Astrophysics: Thesis work on the optical design for laser injection in SIPS
  • Tutoring of master students for research activities of Physics and Astrophysics Laboratory classes since 2016: studies of the micro-crack occurring in fused silica monolithic suspensions of Advanced Virgo and mechanical quality factor of a joint produced with a 3D machine measured in air, in vacuum and ambient and cryogenic temperatures.
  • Tutoring of a summer stage student from the “Institut d’Optique de Paris-Saclay” at Virgo (summer 2021)
  • Laser Safety Course. 2019 for INFN Roma1 @ Univ. La Sapienza
  • Tutoring of last year bachelor student in Physics: Thesis work on “The squeezing technique to overcome the standard quantum limit in the advanced gravitational wave detectors”.
  • Tutoring of the research stage activity of a summer student of the second year for the bachelor’s degree in physics coming from the US for the exchange program of the LIGO-Virgo collaboration


gravitational waves
and optics
astronomy and astrophysics

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma