Daniele Pironi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Pilonidal disease mimicking anterior anal fistula and associated with posterior anal fistula: a two-step surgery. Case report IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2017
Surgery for post-operative entero-cutaneous fistulas: is bowel resection plus primary anastomosis without stoma a safe option to avoid early recurrence? Report on 20 cases by a single center and systematic review of the literature IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2017
Reconnection surgery in adult post-operative short bowel syndrome < 100 cm: is colonic continuity sufficient to achieve enteral autonomy without autologous gastrointestinal reconstruction? Report from a single center and systematic review of literature IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2017
Modified transverse coloplasty pouch: new reconstruction techniques after total mesorectal excision. Our experience IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2017
Laparoscopic versus open colectomy for obstructing right colon cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis JOURNAL OF VISCERAL SURGERY 2017
Multiple, zonal and multi-zone adenoma detection rates according to quality of cleansing during colonoscopy UNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL 2016
Hemostasis in uncontrolled esophageal variceal bleeding by self-expanding metal stents. A systematic review GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY FROM BED TO BENCH 2016
Robotic Nissen fundoplication for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with hiatal hernia (with video) JOURNAL OF VISCERAL SURGERY 2016
Use of the circular compression stapler and circular mechanical stapler in the end-to-side transanal colorectal anastomosis after left colon and rectal resections A single center experience ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA 2016
Analysis of long-term results after liver surgery for metastases from colorectal and non-colorectal tumors INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2016
Laparoscopic peritoneal lavage. Our experience and review of the literature WIDEOCHIRURGIA I INNE TECHNIKI MAłO INWAZYJNE 2016
Robotic double-loop reconstruction method following total gastrectomy ENDOSCOPY 2016
Can bloodless surgery be applied to every patient undergoing major abdominal surgical intervention? ARHEIA ELLENIKES IATRIKES 2016
Does anxiety or waiting time influence patients’ tolerance of upper endoscopy? SAUDI JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2015
Robotic pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy. Technical considerations INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2015
Distal pancreatectomy with splenic preservation: a short-term outcome analysis of the Warshaw technique INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2015
Robotic total gastrectomy with intracorporeal robot-sewn anastomosis. A novel approach adopting the double-loop reconstruction method MEDICINE 2015
Recurrence after stapled haemorrhoidopexy TECHNIQUES IN COLOPROCTOLOGY 2015


  • LS4_12
  • LS7_2
  • LS7_6


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

Innovative materials and techniques in abdominal surgery


abdominal surgery
Mininvasive surgery
Breast cancer - Informed consent - Surgical treatment

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma