Bruno Arca'


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Antigeni salivari quali strumenti epidemiologici per la valutazione dell'esposizione umana ad Aedes albopictus ATTI DELL'ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE ITALIANA DI ENTOMOLOGIA. RENDICONTI 2019
Analysis in a murine model points to IgG responses against the 34k2 salivary proteins from Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti as novel promising candidate markers of host exposure to Aedes mosquitoes PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES 2019
Evaluation of IgG antibody response to Aedes salivary proteins: First attempt to validate serological markers of exposure in a murine model. X Seminar- PhD day. Sience for Democracy- Democracy for Science. PhD day Infectious Diseases, Microbiology and Public Health. Istituto Superiore di Sanità. 2019
Mosquito salivary proteins as markers of human exposure to Aedes vectors. StaPa Internatonal Retreat. Istituto Pasteur Italia- Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti 2019
Human exposure to Anopheles farauti bites in the Solomon Islands is not associated with IgG antibody response to the gSG6 salivary protein of Anopheles gambiae 2019
Saliva of hematophagous insects: a multifaceted toolkit CURRENT OPINION IN INSECT SCIENCE 2018
A selective αvβ5 integrin antagonist hidden into the anophelin family protein cE5 from the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae PEPTIDE SCIENCE 2018
Discovery of novel Antimicrobial Peptides in the salivary glands of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae Mutamenti Ambientali e Parassiti, Atti del XXX Congresso della Società Italiana di Parassitologia (SoIPa) 2018
Toward the development of serological markers of human exposure to Aedes mosquitoes: analysis of Aedes albopictus salivary antigens in a murine model XXX Congress of the Italian Society of Parasitology (SOIPA) “Environmental changes and parasites”. 2018
Anopheline salivary protein genes and gene families: an evolutionary overview after the whole genome sequence of sixteen Anopheles species BMC GENOMICS 2017
Serological measures to assess the efficacy of malaria control programme on Ambae Island, Vanuatu PARASITES & VECTORS 2017
Functional analyses yield detailed insight into the mechanism of thrombin inhibition by the antihemostatic salivary protein cE5 from Anopheles gambiae THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2017
Deciphering the olfactory repertoire of the tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus BMC GENOMICS 2017
The third International Workshop on Aedes albopictus: building scientific alliances in the fight against the globally invasive Asian tiger mosquito PATHOGENS AND GLOBAL HEALTH 2017
Toward the development of serological markers of human exposure to Aedes mosquitoes using Aedes albopictus salivary antigens: a work in progress. Third International Workshop on Aedes albopictus, Pavia, Italy, 10th -12th April 2017 2017
Spatial repellents and malaria transmission in an endemic area of Cambodia with high mosquito net usage MalariaWorld Journal 2017
Antibody acquisition models: a new tool for serological surveillance of malaria transmission intensity SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
A deep insight into the sialome of male and female aedes aegypti mosquitoes PLOS ONE 2016
Highly evolvable malaria vectors. The genomes of 16 Anopheles mosquitoes SCIENCE 2015
A draft genome sequence of an invasive mosquito: an Italian Aedes albopictus PATHOGENS AND GLOBAL HEALTH 2015


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  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Biologia molecolare di culicidi di importanza sanitaria con particolare riferimento al vettore di malaria Anopheles gambiae ed ai vettori di arbovirus Aedes albopictus ed Aedes aegypti. Secreti salivari di culicidi vettori e loro ruolo nell’ematofagia, nella trasmissione di patogeni e nelle interazioni patogeno-vettore-ospite. Biologia Molecolare di artropodi vettori. Non-coding RNAs. Malaria ed altre malattie trasmesse da culicidi (arbovirosi). Proteine salivari di culicidi quali strumenti epidemiologici per la valutazione dell’esposizione umana. Manipolazione genetica di insetti di rilevanza medica ed economica. 


vector biology
biochemistry genetics and molecular biology

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