Gianluca Montanari Vergallo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Medically assisted procreation: european legislation and ensuing ethical issues Pick Up and Oocyte Management 2020
Limitation of professional medical liability in case of emergency medical treatment according to the joint criminal divisions of the Supreme Court of Cassazione ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA 2019
A child of two mothers: what about the father? Italian overview ACTA BIO-MEDICA DE L'ATENEO PARMENSE 2019
Informed consent and advance care directives: cornerstones and outstanding issues in the newly enacted italian legislation LINACRE QUARTERLY 2019
Kristeller maneuvers or fundal pressure and maternal/neonatal morbidity: obstetric and judicial literature review THE JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE 2019
Uterine rupture during induced labor after myomectomy and risk of lawsuits EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2019
The right to voluntary termination of pregnancy in Italy: taking stock forty years after the enactment of law no. 194/1978. Comparative law-based remarks EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH LAW 2019
The Marco Cappato and Fabiano Antoniani (dj Fabo) case Paves the way for new assisted suicide legislation In Italy. an overview of statutes from several european countries EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH LAW 2019
Upholding the right to conscientious objection in medical care in Italy: an increasingly pressing issue MEDICINE AND LAW 2019
Assisted suicide for those who have been “plunged into an endless night”. Remarks on the heels of the Dj Fabo Case MEDICINE AND LAW 2019
The issue of delivery room infections in the italian law. A brief comparative study with english and french jurisprudence THE JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE 2018
Can the intrapartum ultrasonography reduce the legal liability in distocic labor and delivery? THE JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE 2018
Is the team leading surgeon criminally liable for his collaborators’ errors? judges confirm responsibility and condemn an otorhinolaryngologist ACTA OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICA ITALICA 2018
Medical use of cannabis: italian and european legislation EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2018
The reform of the Italian legislation on childhood immunization EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOSTATISTICS AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2018
The credibility of testimony from minors allegedly victims of abuse within the Italian legislative framework INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND PSYCHIATRY 2018
Informed consent to research trials on Alzheimer's disease: how to foster research without infringing upon the patient's right to self-determination PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2018
Ethics and/or aesthetics? reflections on cosmetic surgery for adolescents CUADERNOS DE BIOÉTICA 2018
Gamete Donation: Are Children Entitled to Know Their Genetic Origins? A Comparison of Opposing Views. The Italian State of Affairs EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH LAW 2018
Exercising one’s right to self-determination and a child’s best interest. Charlie gard, isaiah haastrup and alfie evans among doctors, judges and parents MEDICINE AND LAW 2018


  • SH7_4
  • LS7_15
  • SH2_4

Interessi di ricerca

Responsabilità medica e sanitaria; deontologia medica e bioetica clincia; medicina legale civlistica, medicina legale penalistica; medicina sociale; psicopatologia forense; ginecologia forense; tossicologia forense.


responsabilità sanitaria
aborto medico
aiuto medico a morire
allocazione di risorse mediche scarse
cure palliative
biobanche cellule e tessuti
rifiuto di cure
Rapporto medico-paziente
sicurezza del paziente
ospedali psichiatrici
Trapianto di rene
Medicina Legale
Ethics and Legal Aspects
consenso informato
medicina sociale

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma