Alessio Sarti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Search for the doubly heavy baryons and decaying to and * CHINESE PHYSICS C 2021
Search for the doubly charmed baryon $$ {\varXi}_{cc}^{+} $$ in the $$ {\varXi}_c^{+}{\pi}^{-}{\pi}^{+} $$ final state JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2021
Search for CP violation in Ξb−→pK−K− decays PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2021
Observation of the suppressed decay with and measurement of its asymmetry PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2021
Observation of excited baryons in decays PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2021
Observation of a $$ {\varLambda}_b^0 $$ ??? $$ {\overline{\varLambda}}_b^0 $$ production asymmetry in proton-proton collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 7 and 8 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2021
Measurement of J/?? production cross-sections in pp collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 5 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2021
First measurement of the CP -violating phase in Bs0→J/ψ(→ e+e-) ϕ decays THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS 2021
Evidence of a J/ψΛ structure and observation of excited Ξ- states in the Ξb-→J/ψΛK- decay SCIENCE BULLETIN 2021
Branching Fraction Measurements of the Rare B_{s}^{0}→ϕμ^{+}μ^{-} and B_{s}^{0}→f_{2}^{'}(1525)μ^{+}μ^{-} Decays PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2021
Angular analysis of the rare decay $$ {B}_s^0 $$ ??? ????+????? JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2021
Angular Analysis of the B^{+}→K^{*+}μ^{+}μ^{-} Decay PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2021
Simultaneous determination of CKM angle γ and charm mixing parameters JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2021
Updated search for $$ {B}_c^{+} $$ decays to two charm mesons JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2021
Observation of a $$ {\varLambda}_b^0 $$ ??? $$ {\overline{\varLambda}}_b^0 $$ production asymmetry in proton-proton collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 7 and 8 TeV JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2021
First measurement of the CP -violating phase in Bs0→J/ψ(→ e+e-) ϕ decays THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS 2021
Development of a novel neutron tracker for the characterisation of secondary neutrons emitted in Particle Therapy NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 2020
TOPS project: Development of new fast timing plastic scintillators. IL NUOVO CIMENTO C 2020
The MONDO tracker: characterisation and study of secondary ultrafast neutrons production in carbon ion radiotherapy FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS 2020
Inter-fractional monitoring of 12 C ions treatments: results from a clinical trial at the CNAO facility SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020


  • LS7_1
  • PE2_3
  • PE2_4
  • PE2_6


  • Big data & computing
  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

High Energy Physics, Particle Physics, Interaction of Radiation with Matter, Particle therapy, Radio therapy, External Beam Radio Therapy, FLASH therapy, Research and Development of novel detector for applications to medicine, Nuclear Physics applied to medicine, Fragmentation processes in particle therapy

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma