Christian Napoli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
An entropy evaluation algorithm to improve transmission efficiency of compressed data in pervasive healthcare mobile sensor networks IEEE ACCESS 2020
Lessening stress and anxiety-related behaviors by means of AI-driven drones for aromatherapy Proceedings of the 6th Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics co-located with the XVIII International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2019) 2020
A spiking neural network-based long-term prediction system for biogas production NEURAL NETWORKS 2020
Triangular Fuzzy-Rough Set Based Fuzzification of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SOFT COMPUTING RESEARCH 2020
Grouping Handwritten Letter Strokes Using a Fuzzy Decision Tree Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2020
Reducing the psychological burden of isolated oncological patients by means of decision trees CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2020
A cloud-oriented architecture for the remote assessment and follow-up of hospitalized patients CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2020
Organic solar cells defects detection by means of an elliptical basis neural network and a new feature extraction technique OPTIK 2019
A context-driven privacy enforcement system for autonomous media capture devices MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS 2019
Faster image filtering via parallel programming INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS 2019
A MapReduce Based Tool for the Analysis and Discovery of Novel Therapeutic Targets 2019 27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP) 2019
A cloud-based flexible solution for psychometric tests validation, administration and evaluation SYSTEM 2019 Symposium for Young Scientists in Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 2019
A comprehensive solution for psychological treatment and therapeutic path planning based on knowledge base and expertise sharing ICYRIME 2019 International Conference for Young Researchers in Informatics, Mathematics, and Engineering 2019
Exploiting OSC models by using neural networks with an innovative pruning algorithm Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2018
A novel training method to preserve generalization of RBPNN classifiers applied to ECG signals diagnosis NEURAL NETWORKS 2018
An advanced neural network based solution to enforce dispatch continuity in smart grids APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING 2018
Advanced and Adaptive Dispatch for Smart Grids by means of Predictive Models IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID 2018
Automatic heart activity diagnosis based on Gram polynomials and probabilistic neural networks BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING LETTERS 2018
Rainfall Estimation Based on the Intensity of the Received Signal in a LTE/4G Mobile Terminal by using a Probabilistic Neural Network IEEE ACCESS 2018
Optimizing the Organic Solar Cell Manufacturing Process by Means of AFM Measurements and Neural Networks ENERGIES 2018

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