Massimo Mancone


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Invasive functional test in patients with angina and suspected CAD. search more to learn more JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY 2018
Outcome of patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation after prior balloon aortic valvuloplasty JOURNAL OF INVASIVE CARDIOLOGY 2018
Acute and long-term outcomes after polytetrafluoroethylene or pericardium covered stenting for grade 3 coronary artery perforations: Insights from G3-CAP registry CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS 2018
Is invasive coronary provocation testing cost-effective among MINOCA patients EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL 2018
Percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass graft in left main coronary artery disease: A comprehensive meta-analysis of adjusted observational studies and randomized controlled trials JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE 2018
Clinical outcomes with reservoir-based polymer-free amphilimus-eluting stents in real-world patients according to diabetes mellitus and complexity. the INVESTIG8 registry CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS 2018
Screening high school students in Italy for sudden cardiac death prevention by using a telecardiology device. a retrospective observational study CARDIOLOGY IN THE YOUNG 2017
Coronary artery bifurcation narrowing treated by axxess stent implantation. the CARINAX registry CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS 2017
Prevalence and predictors of long corrected QT interval in HIV-positive patients. a multicenter study JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE 2017
Heart failure with preserved, mid-range, and reduced ejection fraction. the misleading definition of the new guidelines CARDIOLOGY IN REVIEW 2017
Reply to “Regarding the article of ceccacci et al. (2016; 223: 54–55)” entitled “Role of MIBG scintigraphy in reverse Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy: confirming a pathophysiologic hypothesis" INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY 2017
Computed tomography versus invasive coronary angiography: design and methods of the pragmatic randomised multicentre DISCHARGE trial EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 2017
Impact of the SYNTAX scores I and II in patients with diabetes and multivessel coronary disease: a pooled analysis of patient level data from the SYNTAX, PRECOMBAT, and BEST trials EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL 2017
Rationale and design of a multicenter, international and collaborative coronary artery aneurysm registry (CAAR) CLINICAL CARDIOLOGY 2017
Plasma endothelin-1 levels in patients with resistant hypertension. effects of renal sympathetic denervation ANNALS OF MEDICINE 2017
Impact of an optical coherence tomography guided approach in acute coronary syndromes. a propensity matched analysis from the international formidable-cardiogroup IV and USZ registry CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS 2017
Everolimus eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold for treatment of complex chronic total occlusions EUROINTERVENTION 2017
Prasugrel or ticagrelor in st-segment-elevation myocardial infarction patients with diabetes mellitus CIRCULATION 2017
Optical coherence tomography compared with fractional flow reserve guided approach in acute coronary syndromes. a propensity matched analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY 2017
Culprit plaque characteristics in younger versus older patients with acute coronary syndromes. an optical coherence tomography study from the FORMIDABLE registry CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS 2017

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