Titolo |
Pubblicato in |
Anno |
Women in business: development perspectives of relational capital |
Proceedings IFKAD 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia 7-9 June 2017 Knowledge Management in 21st Century: Resilience, Creativity and Co-creation |
2017 |
Development perspectives of relational capital in women-led firms |
2017 |
Intellectual capital and financial performance. Evidences from Italian firms |
2017 |
Entrepreneurial, renewal capitals and financial performance |
2017 |
The Relational Capital Of Universities: A Dynamic Approach |
Proceeding Interdisciplinary Workshop On Intangibles And Intellectual Capital, Eiasm |
2017 |
Does Intellectual Capital Affect Organizational Performance? Unlocking new facets |
2017 |
I mondi delle donne. Percorsi interdisciplinari |
2016 |
Relational capital and sustainable development in women tourism SMEs |
atti di Ipazia Osservatorio scientifico sulle questioni di genere |
2016 |
What about of family ties for woman entrepreneurs? |
Atti di Ipazia Osservatorio scientifico sugli studi di genere |
2016 |
Women in business and social media: state of the art and research agenda |
Proceedings IFKAD 2016, Dresden, Germany 15-17 June 2016 Towards a New Architecture of Knowledge: Big Data, Culture and Creativity |
2016 |
Gender Diversity, Corporate Governance Disclosure |
2016 |
Women in management: perspectives on a decade of research (2005–2015) |
2016 |
A Literature Review on gender issues |
Atti di Ipazia Osservatorio scientifico sugli studi di genere |
2016 |
Are family ties an opportunity or an obstacle for women entrepreneurs? Some empirical evidence from Italy? |
2016 |
Gender diversity indicator, corporate environmental and financial performance: evidence from Europe |
Proceedings IFKAD 2016, Dresden, Germany 15-17 June 2016 Towards a New Architecture of Knowledge: Big Data, Culture and Creativity |
2016 |
Studi di genere: un’analisi della letteratura |
I mondi delle donne. Percorsi interdisciplinari |
2016 |
Le donne imprenditrici tra lavoro e famiglia. Un legame inscindibile? |
I mondi delle donne. Percorsi interdisciplinari |
2016 |
L’informativa sulla diversità di genere: cosa cambia con l’Integrated Reporting? Il caso del Sudafrica |
I mondi delle donne. Percorsi interdisciplinari |
2016 |
Capitale relazionale e sviluppo sostenibile nelle micro e piccole imprese di servizi |
I mondi delle donne. Percorsi interdisciplinari |
2016 |
Entrepreneurial and renewal capitals as key resources of organisations |
European Union future perspectives: innovation, entrepreneurship and economic policy |
2016 |