Giuseppe Capobianco


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Effective recycling solutions for the production of high-quality PET flakes based on hyperspectral imaging and variable selection JOURNAL OF IMAGING 2021
A multi-technique approach to evaluate the surface properties of heat-treated chestnut wood finished with a water-based coating COATINGS 2021
Characterization of post-earthquake construction and demolition wastes by Hyperspectral imaging Special waste management 2021
Recycling-oriented characterization of PET waste stream by SWIR hyperspectral imaging and variable selection methods Sardinia 2021. 18th International symposium on waste management and sustainable landfilling 2021
Hyperspectral imaging as powerful technique for evaluating the stability of Tattoo Wall® MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2020
An innovative approach based on hyperspectral imaging (HSI) combined with chemometrics for soil phytoremediation monitoring Photonic instrumentation engineering VII 2020 2020
Analytical chemistry approach in cultural heritage: the case of Vincenzo Pasqualoni's wall paintings in S. Nicola in Carcere (Rome) MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2020
μXRF mapping as a powerful technique for investigating metal objects from the archaeological site of Ferento (Central Italy) JOURNAL OF IMAGING 2020
Experimental tests for evaluating the stability of a new nano-silica based protective for Sperone stone in comparison to traditional products Nanoinnovation 2019 2020
Micro X-ray fluorescence imaging coupled with chemometrics to detect and classify asbestos fibers in demolition waste DETRITUS 2020
Image data fusion applied to pictorial layers recognition 2020 Italian conference on Optics and photonics, ICOP 2020; Parma; Italy; 8 September 2020 through 11 September 2020 2020
Recycling oriented characterization of printed circuit boards from mobile phones by micro X-ray fluorescence SUM2020 – 5th symposium on Urban mining and circular economy 2020
Tattoo Wall®. Study of the stability of an innovative decorative technique through hyperspectral imaging and possible application in the mural painting’s restoration Optics for arts, architecture, and archaeology VII 2019
Hyperspectral imaging as powerful technique for investigating the stability of painting samples JOURNAL OF IMAGING 2019
Hyperspectral imaging applied to the waste recycling sector SPECTROSCOPY EUROPE 2019
Hyperspectral imaging applied to asbestos containing materials detection. Specimen preparation and handling Advanced environmental, chemical, and biological sensing technologies XV 2019
Hyperspectral imaging and hierarchical PLS-DA applied to asbestos recognition in construction and demolition waste APPLIED SCIENCES 2019
Micro X-ray fluorescence imaging coupled with chemometrics to detect and classify asbestos fibers in demolition waste Sardinia 2019. 17th International waste management and landfill symposium 2019
Asbestos containing materials detection and classification by the use of hyperspectral imaging JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 2018
X-ray fluorescence investigation on yellow pigments based on lead, tin and antimony through the comparison between laboratory and portable instruments JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 2018

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