Febo Cincotti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Boosting the traditional physiotherapist approach for stroke spasticity using a sensorized ankle foot orthosis: a pilot study TOPICS IN STROKE REHABILITATION 2017
Evaluation of cervical posture improvement of children with cerebral palsy after physical therapy based on head movements and serious games BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING ONLINE 2017
Spatial filters selection towards a rehabilitation BCI Proceedings of the 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2017. From Vision to Reality 2017
GUIDER: a GUI for semiautomatic, physiologically driven EEG feature selection for a rehabilitation BCI Proceedings of the 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2017. From Vision to Reality 2017
Neurophysiological constraints of control parameters for a brain computer interface system to support post-stroke motor rehabilitation 2017 School and Symposium on Advanced Neurorehabilitation (SSNR2017). Proceedings 2017
The Promotoer: a successful story of translational research in BCI for motor rehabilitation Proceedings of the 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2017. From Vision to Reality 2017
Electroencephalography (EEG)-Derived Markers to Measure Components of Attention Processing Proceedings of the 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2017. From Vision to Reality 2017
Community detection: Comparison among clustering algorithms and application to EEG-based brain networks 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2017) 2017
Transcranial cerebellar direct current stimulation: Effects on brain resting state oscillatory and network activity 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2017) 2017
TiD - Introducing and Benchmarking an Event-Delivery System for Brain-Computer Interfaces IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING 2017
BCI-assisted training for upper limb motor rehabilitation: estimation of effects on individual brain connectivity and motor functions Proceedings of the 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2017 2017
Attentional processes during P3-based Brain Computer Interface task in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients Proceedings of the Sixth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting: BCI Past, Present, and Future 2016
EEG Resting-State Brain Topological Reorganization as a Function of Age COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND NEUROSCIENCE 2016
Interfacing brain and computer in neurorehabilitation 2016 4th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI 2016) 2016
Concentric-ring electrodes reduce crosstalk in surface EMG Proceedings of the fifth conference of the national group of bioengineering 2016
Interfacing brain with computer to improve communication and rehabilitation after brain damage Brain-Computer Interfaces: Lab Experiments to Real-World Applications 2016
Automatic features selection in BCI-supported motor imagery practice for stroke rehabilitation Proceedings of the fifth conference of the national group of bioengineering 2016
Evaluation of cervical posture improvement of children with cerebral palsy after physical therapy with a HCI based on head movements and serious videogames Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 4th International Conference, IWBBIO 2016 Granada, Spain, April 20 – 22, 2016 Proceedings 2016
Proof-of-Principle of a Brain-Computer Interface approach to support post-stroke arm rehabilitation in hospitalized patients: design, acceptability and usability ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION 2015
Assistive device with conventional, alternative, and brain-computer interface inputs to enhance interaction with the environment for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a feasibility and usability study ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION 2015

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