Allegra Battistoni


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Microvascular alterations in hypertension and vascular aging CURRENT HYPERTENSION REVIEWS 2017
Hypertension Across the Atlantic. A Sprint or a Marathon? HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE & CARDIOVASCULAR PREVENTION 2017
Favourable impact of statin use on diastolic blood pressure levels: analysis of a large database of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION 2017
Adding markers of organ damage to risk score models improves cardiovascular risk assessment: prospective analysis of a large cohort of adult outpatients INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY 2017
Single blind, multicentre, randomized, controlled trial testing the effects of a novel nutraceutical compound on plasma lipid and cardiovascular risk factors. Results of the interim analysis NMCD. NUTRITION METABOLISM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES 2017
Aspirin and the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases. An Approach Based on Individualized, Integrated Estimation of Risk HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE & CARDIOVASCULAR PREVENTION 2017
Comparison between european systematic coronary risk evaluation and italian cuore algorithms in adult outpatients followed by general practitioners and specialised centres JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION 2017
Triple Combination Therapies Based on Olmesartan: A Personalized Therapeutic Approach to Improve Blood Pressure Control HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE & CARDIOVASCULAR PREVENTION 2017
Monotherapy and Dual Combination Therapies Based on Olmesartan: A Comprehensive Strategy to Improve Blood Pressure Control HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE & CARDIOVASCULAR PREVENTION 2017
Potential impact of statin use on day-time and night-time blood pressure levels: a retrospective analysis of a large database of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION 2017
Comparison among different electrocardiographic criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy: retrospective analysis of a large cohort of adult outpatients with hypertension JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION 2017
Prevalence and clinical characteristics of true masked hypertension compared to reverse and isolated nocturnal masked hypertension JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION 2017
Prevalence and clinical outcomes of white coat and masked hypertension compared to normotension and sustained hypertension. JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION 2017
T2238C ANP gene variant and risk of recurrent acute coronary syndromes in an Italian cohort of ischemic heart disease patients JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE 2016
Natriuretic peptides and volume handling in heart failure. The paradigm of a new treatment EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEART FAILURE 2016
Angiotensin II-Linked Hypothesis to Understand the Advantage of the Coevolution of Hypertension and Malaria CIRCULATION RESEARCH 2016
Association between lifestyle and systemic arterial hypertension in young adults. a national, survey-based, cross-sectional study HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE & CARDIOVASCULAR PREVENTION 2016
A novel electrocardiographic T-Wave measurement (Tp-Te Interval) as a predictor of heart abnormalities in hypertension: a new opportunity for first-line electrocardiographic evaluation THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION 2015
Reducing Cardiovascular and Cancer Risk. How to Address Global Primary Prevention in Clinical Practice CLINICAL CARDIOLOGY 2015
Integrated preclinical cardiovascular prevention: a new paradigm to face growing challenges of cardiovascular disease AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR DRUGS 2015


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Interessi di ricerca

Rischio cardiovascolare; ipertensione e danno d'organo; sistemi meuro-ormonali; cardio-oncologia.


arterial hypertension
neurohormonal inhibitors
cardiovascular prevention
anthracycline cardiotoxicity

Gruppi di ricerca

Gruppi di ricerca - Responsabile

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma