Massimo Galli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Accuracy evaluation of 14 maxillary full arch implant treatments performed with Da Vinci bridge: a case series MATERIALS 2020
Precision of dynamic navigation to perform endodontic ultraconservative access cavities: a preliminary in vitro analysis JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS 2020
A survey on perceived COVID-19 risk in dentistry and the possible use of rapid tests JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE 2020
Minimally invasive intraoral approach to submandibular lodge JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2020
Immediate or delayed retrieval of the displaced third molar: a review JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DENTISTRY 2019
Measurement of torque generated during intracanal instrumentation in vivo INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL 2019
A comparative study of mechanical resistance of two reciprocating files JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DENTISTRY 2019
Symmetry of root and root canal morphology of mandibular incisors: a cone-beam computed tomography study in vivo JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DENTISTRY 2019
Role of the flat-designed surface in improving the cyclic fatigue resistance of endodontic NiTi rotary instruments MATERIALS 2019
Differences in cyclic fatigue lifespan between two different heat treated NiTi endodontic rotary instruments: WaveOne Gold vs EdgeOne Fire JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DENTISTRY 2019
Endodontic microsurgery using dynamic navigation system: a case report JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS 2019
Odontogenic phlegmons and abscesses in relation to the financial situation of Italian families MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA 2019
In vivo evaluation of operative torque generated by two Nickel-Titanium rotary instruments during root canal preparation EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY 2019
The effects of surgical preparation techniques and implant macro-geometry on primary stability: an in vitro study MEDICINA ORAL, PATOLOGÍA ORAL Y CIRUGÍA BUCAL 2017
Inferior alveolar nerve laceration after implant site preparation: a case report EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY 2015

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma