Maria Felice Arezzo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Pensions and the Dynamics of Inequality in Italy: Initial Evidence, 1987-2014 THE JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN ECONOMIC HISTORY 2019
Response-Based Sampling for Binary Choice Models With Sample Selection ECONOMETRICS 2018
Estimation of the healthy life expectancy in Italy through a simple model based on mortality rate. In Demography and Health Issues - Population Aging, Mortality and Data Analysis Demography and Health Issues - Population Aging, Mortality and Data Analysis 2018
Social capital, income inequality and the health of the elderly Demography and Health Issues. Population Aging, Mortality and Data Analysis 2018
La disuguaglianza regionale dei redditi in Italia (1987-2014) 2018
La disponibilità a pagare per il Made in Italy. Una ricerca empirica su alcuni prodotti nel settore alimentare Atti del Congresso AISME 2018 2018
The protective role of family ties on elderly mortality: addressing the bias introduced by the selection of institutionalized population Proceedings of the 49th Scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society 2018
Social Capital and Self Perceived Health Among European Older Adults SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH 2017
The effect of social capital on health among European older adults: an instrumental variable approach SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH 2017
La dinamica delle disuguaglianze dei redditi in Italia Rapporto sullo stato sociale 2017: Stagnazione secolare, produttività, contrattazione salariale e benessere sociale 2017
Using administrative data for statistical modeling: an application to tax evasion Proceedings of the Intermediate meeting of the Italian Statistical Society: Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations 2017
Explaining Fertility Decision-Making in Romania Working Paper Dipartimento Memotef 2017
Spinal epidural hematomas: personal experience and literature review of more than 1000 cases JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. SPINE 2017
A comparison of two legislative approaches to the pay-as-you-go pension system in terms of adequacy. The Italian case INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS 2016
Short-term wind power forecasting based on dynamic system of equations INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND STATISTICS 2016
Is social capital associated with health ? Evidence from a study on the elderly italians STATISTICA APPLICATA 2016
The relationship between back pain and schoolbag use: A cross-sectional study of 5,318 Italian students THE SPINE JOURNAL 2016
Determinanti e implicazioni dell’esclusione sociale nel contesto europeo e latino americano Giornate del CUIA in America Latina 2015 2015
The effect of social capital on health among european older adults: an instrumental variable approach REVES 2015 2015
Migliorare la impiegabilità dei giovani laureati. L`esperienza di Campus Mentis 2015


  • PE1_15
  • SH3_8

Interessi di ricerca

Statistical modelling; Selection bias; Undeclared work; Policy evaluation

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma