Vincenzo Lionetti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Coexpression of fungal cell wall-modifying enzymes reveals their additive impact on arabidopsis resistance to the fungal pathogen, Botrytis cinerea BIOLOGY 2021
Olive mill wastes. A source of bioactive molecules for plant growth and protection against pathogens BIOLOGY 2020
AtPME17 is a functional Arabidopsis thaliana pectin methylesterase regulated by its PRO region that triggers PME activity in the resistance to Botrytis cinerea MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY 2020
Retargeting of a Plant Defense Protease by a Cyst Nematode Effector PLANT JOURNAL 2019
In silico identification of structural signatures in Arabidopsis thaliana pectin methylesterases SIBV - Abstract Book 2019
The molecular dialogue between grapevine inflorescence/berry and Botrytis cinerea during initial, quiescent and egression infection stages ACTA HORTICULTURAE 2019
Phytochemical profile of olive oil mill vegetative waters Book of abstacts VI INTERNATIONAL PLANT SCIENCE CONFERENCE (IPSC) 2019
Pectic enzymes as potential enhancers of ascorbic acid production through the D-galacturonate pathway in Solanaceae PLANT SCIENCE 2018
Cell wall features transferred from common into durum wheat to improve Fusarium Head Blight resistance PLANT SCIENCE 2018
Three pectin methylesterase inhibitors protect cell wall integrity for arabidopsis immunity to Botrytis PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 2017
Extracellular matrix in plants and animals: Hooks and locks for viruses FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 2017
Decreased Polysaccharide Feruloylation Compromises Plant Cell Wall Integrity and Increases Susceptibility to Necrotrophic Fungal Pathogens FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
Pyramiding PvPGIP2 and TAXI-III but not PvPGIP2 and PMEI enhances resistance against Fusarium graminearum MOLECULAR PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS 2016
A lower content of de-methylesterified homogalacturonan improves enzymatic cell separation and isolation of mesophyll protoplasts in Arabidopsis PHYTOCHEMISTRY 2015
Cell wall traits as potential resources to improve resistance of durum wheath against Fusarium graminearum BMC PLANT BIOLOGY 2015
PECTOPLATE: the simultaneous phenotyping of pectin methylesterases, pectinases and oligogalacturonides in plants during biotic stresses FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 2015
The Grapevine VvPMEI1 Gene Encodes a Novel Functional Pectin Methylesterase Inhibitor Associated to Grape Berry Development PLOS ONE 2015


  • LS1_6
  • LS9_8
  • LS9_9


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Dr. Lionetti has a proven track record in the field of plant-pathogen interactions. He is an expert in the dynamic modifications of the composition and structure of the cell wall polysaccharides during pathogen infection. Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes (CWDEs) are expressed by pathogens during host invasion to penetrate the cell wall barrier and colonize the tissue. Plants evolved the ability to sense loss of cell wall integrity and trigger defence responses leading to an improved resistance to disease (Figure). Dr. Lionetti has contributed to understanding the molecular bases of plant defence to biotic stresses. He demonstrated that the modulation of the expression of CWDEs or their inhibitors in planta represents a useful tool to improve plant resistance to pathogens and to investigate the role of an altered structure and integrity of wall polysaccharides in plant-pathogen interactions. Moreover, he demonstrated that alterations of pectin esterification impact on cell wall degradability and on plant susceptibility to pathogens. Dr. Lionetti, by applying his competence in the glycomics of cell wall polysaccharides, uncovered specific cell wall components remodelled to resist against fungal necrotrophs. He is considered an international expert on the modification of pectin methyl esterification in the plant-pathogen interaction. He also proposed biotechnological applications of the CWDEs and their inhibitors to improve saccharification of cell wall polysaccharides and protoplast isolation.


Plant cell wall
plant biology
Plant immunity
Pectin methyl esterases
Pectin methyl esterase inhibitors
plant cell
Botrytis cinerea

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma