Mauro Giacomantonio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Ostracismo e orientamento sessuale: una rassegna sulle conseguenze del fenomeno Sui generi: identità e stereotipi in evoluzione? 2018
Lesbians’ negative affect toward sexual minority people with stereotypical masculine and feminine characteristics INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEXUAL HEALTH 2018
“I gay sono effeminati e le lesbiche sono mascoline” : stereotipi di genere sugli uomini gay e le donne lesbiche in Italia XV Convegno Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’AIP 2018
Avoidant attachment style and conspiracy ideation PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2018
Weapons of peace: Providing alternative means for social change reduces political violence JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Need for cognitive closure decreases risk taking and motivates discounting of delayed rewards PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2017
What about the different shortened versions of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale? PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS 2017
Need for closure, torture, and punishment motivations.The mediating role of moral foundations SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2017
Attitude toward gay men in an italian sample: masculinity and sexual orientation make difference SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2016
Metodi di ricerca in psicologia sociale metodi di ricerca in psicologia sociale 2016
Being alexithymi. Necessity or convenience. Negative emotionality x avoidant coping interactions and alexithymia PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY 2016
Framing effortful strategies as easy enables depleted individuals to execute complex tasks effectively JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Beyond goal commitment: how expectancy shapes means evaluation MOTIVATION SCIENCE 2016
Intention to pay taxes or to avoid them: The impact of social value orientation JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PSYCHOLOGY 2015
Trust and expected costs as antecedents of citizens’ motivation to participate in public policymaking CESKOSLOVENSKA PSYCHOLOGIE 2015

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