Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Stochastic graph exploration | 46th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2019) | 2019 |
Wikipedia Polarization and Its Effects on Navigation Paths | 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) | 2019 |
Random projection to preserve patient privacy | CIKM 2018 Workshops at CIKM 2018 | 2019 |
A mazing 2+ε approximation for unsplittable flow on a path | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON ALGORITHMS | 2018 |
Algorithms for hiring and outsourcing in the online labor market | KDD '18 The 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | 2018 |
On Mining IoT Data for Evaluating the Operation of Public Educational Buildings | 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops) | 2018 |
A fog computing-oriented, highly scalable iot framework for monitoring public educational buildings | 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) | 2018 |
Targeted interest-driven advertising in cities using Twitter | DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY | 2018 |
Random Projection to Preserve Patient Privacy | ACM 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Management for Healthcare (KMH2018) | 2018 |
Enabling Sustainability and Energy Awareness in Schools Based on IoT and Real-World Data | IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING | 2018 |
Tour recommendation for groups | DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY | 2017 |
Online Network Design with Outliers | ALGORITHMICA | 2016 |
Targeted interest-driven advertising in cities using twitter | Proceedings of the tenth international conference on web and social media. Cologne, Germany, May 17–20, 2016 | 2016 |
Network-Aware Recommendations of Novel Tweets | Proceeding SIGIR '16 Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval | 2016 |
Community Detection on Evolving Graphs | 30th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2016 | 2016 |
Bidding Strategies for Fantasy-Sports Auctions | Web and Internet Economics. 12th International Conference, WINE 2016 Montreal, Canada, December 11 – 14, 2016 Proceedings | 2016 |
Homophily and polarization in the age of misinformation | THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. SPECIAL TOPICS | 2016 |
Stochastic Query Covering for Fast Approximate Document Retrieval | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 2015 |
Inefficiency of Games with Social Context | THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS | 2015 |
The importance of being expert: Efficient max-finding in crowdsourcing | Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data | 2015 |
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