Enrica Mancino


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Neurological and psychological effects of long COVID in a young population: A cross-sectional study FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 2022
Lung ultrasound in bronchiolitis PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY 2021
ACE2 expression is related to the interferon response in airway epithelial cells but is that functional for SARS-CoV-2 entry? CYTOKINE 2021
During the COVID-19 pandemic where has respiratory syncytial virus gone? PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY 2021
E-cigarettes and youth: a major Public Health concern THE ITALIAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 2021
Weighing policymaking: A narrative review of school closures as COVID-19 pandemic-mitigation strategies PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY 2021
A single centre study of viral community-acquired pneumonia in children: no evidence of SARSCoV-2 from october 2019 to march 2020 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL VIROLOGY 2020
Will children reveal their secret? The coronavirus dilemma EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL 2020
Lung ultrasound compared to chest X-ray for the diagnosis of CAP in children PEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL 2020
Differences and similarities between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2: spike receptor-binding domain recognition and host cell infection with support of cellular serine proteases INFECTION 2020
Covid-19 in children: A brief overview after three months experience PAEDIATRIC RESPIRATORY REVIEWS 2020
What do differences in case fatality ratios between children and adults tell us about COVID-19? EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL 2020
Will children reveal their secret? The coronavirus dilemma EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL 2020

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