Fabio Naro


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Use of the KlADH3 promoter for the quantitative production of the murine PDE5A isoforms in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis MICROBIAL CELL FACTORIES 2017
Critical role of Phosphodiesterase 2A in congenital heart defects ESC Working Group 2017
A comparison of lysosomal enzymes expression levels in peripheral blood of mild- and severe-Alzheimer’s disease and MCI patients: implications for regenerative medicine approaches INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2017
Pathways implicated in tadalafil amelioration of duchenne muscular dystrophy JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY 2016
Expression and function of phosphodiesterase type 5 in human breast cancer cell lines and tissues: implications for targeted therapy CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 2016
PDE5 inhibition ameliorates visceral adiposity targeting the miR-22/SIRT1 pathway: evidence from the CECSID trial THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 2016
Activated c-Kit receptor in the heart promotes cardiac repair and regeneration after injury CELL DEATH & DISEASE 2016
Genetically Encoded Biosensors Reveal PKA Hyperphosphorylation on the Myofilaments in Rabbit Heart Failure CIRCULATION RESEARCH 2016
β-Adrenergic response is counteracted by extremely-low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields in beating cardiomyocytes JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR CARDIOLOGY 2016
Modulation of the cardiomyocyte contractile function inside a hydrostatic pressure bioreactor: verification of the Frank-Starling law BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2015
Inhibition of type 5 phosphodiesterase counteracts β2-Adrenergic signalling in beating cardiomyocytes. CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 2015
Chronic Inhibition of PDE5 Limits Pro-Inflammatory Monocyte-Macrophage Polarization in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice PLOS ONE 2015
In vivo and in vitro evidence that intrinsic upper- and lower-limb skeletal muscle function is unaffected by ageing and disuse in oldest-old humans ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 2015

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