Antonia Lonigro


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Binge eating and binge drinking behaviors: the role of family functioning PSYCHOLOGY, HEALTH & MEDICINE 2020
Time perspective constructs in Albanian and Italian adolescents: exploratory analyses PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS 2020
Exploring the association between psychological distress and drunkorexia behaviors in non-clinical adolescents: the moderating role of emotional dysregulation EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2020
Social Anxiety and Peer Communication Quality During Adolescence: The Interaction of Social Avoidance, Empathic Concern and Perspective Taking CHILD & YOUTH CARE FORUM 2020
Family functioning and drunkorexia behaviors during adolescence PSICOLOGIA CLINICA DELLO SVILUPPO 2020
Drunkorexia: An Examination of the Role of Theory of Mind and Emotional Awareness among Adolescents DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 2020
IL TEMPO DURANTE LA QUARANTENA: DIFFERENZE DI GENERE TRA I GIOVANI ADULTI. Libro degli Abstract Giornate di Studio AIP “Emergenza COVID-19. Ricadute evolutive ed educative” Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione 2020
Dysfunctional metacognition processes as risk factors for drunkorexia during adolescence JOURNAL OF ADDICTIVE DISEASES 2020
Emotion regulation and alcohol abuse in second-generation immigrant adolescents: The protective role of cognitive reappraisal JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Evaluation of the “Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test” with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) adolescents: A pilot study CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Autonomic response to the adult attachment projective in anorexia nervosa EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2019
Heavy episodic drinking in late adolescents: The role of theory of mind and conformity drinking motives ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS 2019
Social behaviour, socio-cognitive skills and attachment style in school-aged children: what is the relation with academic outcomes? EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND CARE 2018
Sibling relationships and family functioning in siblings of early adolescents, adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES 2018
Emotion regulation and empathy. Which relation with social conduct? THE JOURNAL OF GENETIC PSYCHOLOGY 2018
What does the intention to be a volunteer for a student with autism predict? the role of cognitive brain types and emotion and behavior characteristics PSICOLOGÍA EDUCATIVA 2018
Metacognition, emotional functioning and binge eating in adolescence: the moderation role of need to control thoughts EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2018
Theory of mind and sociometric peer status: the mediating role of social conduct FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Cognitive and affective empathy in binge drinking adolescents: does empathy moderate the effect of self-efficacy in resisting peer pressure to drink? ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS 2018
Peer Buddies in the Classroom: The Effects on Spontaneous Conversations in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder CHILD & YOUTH CARE FORUM 2018

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