Francesco Camia


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The financing of public honours in Greece during the Roman imperial period. The case of honorary statues in the cities of the Greek mainland The politics of honour in the Greek cities of the Roman Empire 2017
Cambiamenti, adattamenti e novità. La fondazione dei luoghi di culto nelle province romane di Acaia e Macedonia Quand naissent les dieux. Fondation des sanctuaires antiques: motivations, agents, lieux 2017
Priests in Roman Greece. In search of a social perspective Social dynamics under Roman rule. Mobility and status change in the provinces of Achaia and Macedonia. Proceedings of a Conference Held in Athens, May 30th-31st 2014 2017
Social dynamics under Roman rule. Mobility and status change in the provinces of Achaia and Macedonia. Proceedings of a conference held in Athens, May 30th-31st 2014 2017
Roman Greece and the ‘mnemonic turn’. Some critical remarks Strategies of remembering in Greece under Rome (100 BC - 100 AD) 2017
La titolatura dei sacerdoti del culto imperiale in Grecia. Terminologia ed evoluzione HISTORIKA 2017
Recensione a N. Badoud, Les temps des Rhodes. Une chronologie des inscriptions de la cité fondée sur l’étude de ses institutions, München 2015 MEDITERRANEO ANTICO 2017
The theoi Sebastoi in the sacred landscape of the polis. Cult places for the emperors in the cities of mainland Greece Im Schatten der Alten? Ideal und Lebenswirklichkeit im römischen Griechenland 2016
Between tradition and innovation. Cults for Roman emperors in the province of Achaia Kaiserkult in den Provinzen des Römischen Reiches. Organisation, Kommunikation und Repräsentation 2016
La 'nave' di Erode Attico, il Pythion ateniese e lo stadio panatenaico ΔΡΟΜΟΙ. Studi sul mondo antico offerti a Emanuele Greco dagli allievi della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene 2016
Traci ‘romani’. Diffusione della civitas e ‘romanizzazione’ nei centri costieri della Tracia I Traci tra geografia e storia 2015


  • SH6_6

Interessi di ricerca

Greece in the Roman period; Greek epigraphy; Roman imperial cult; cult personnel in Greece; economics of cult; Roman Thrace


greek epigraphy
imperial cult

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