Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Eubiosis and dysbiosis: the two sides of the microbiota | NEW MICROBIOLOGICA | 2016 |
Bacterial biofilm in salivary gland stones: cause or consequence? | OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY | 2016 |
Gut microbiota related to Giardia duodenalis, Entamoeba spp. and Blastocystis hominis infections in humans from Côte d'Ivoire. | JOURNAL OF INFECTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES | 2016 |
Mo1927 Mucosa-Associated Microbiota and Promoter Methylation Status of Genes Involved in Immune Response in Crohn's Disease Patients | GASTROENTEROLOGY | 2016 |
Microbial Cells Force Spectroscopy by Atomic Force Microscopy: A Review. | NANOSCIENCE AND NANOMETROLOGY | 2016 |
Visualization and quantification of magnetic nanoparticles into vesicular systems by combined atomic and magnetic force microscopy | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2015 |
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