Mauro Gatti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Once upon a time…The role of woman’s body in gender narratives Carne – Flesh And Organization, 35th Standing Conference On Organizational Symbolism 2017
Digital Competences For The Future: What Is Needed And How To Measure It 2017
Institutional complementarities and gender diversity on boards: a configurational approach CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 2016
A new evolution of IT. The integration between lean enterprise and crowdworking. A theoretical model "Reshaping Organizations through Digital and Social Innovation 2016
The Diffusion of ICT across Italian Corporate Universities: An Exploratory Study Blurring the Boundaries Through Digital Innovation. Individual, Organizational, and Societal Challenges 2016
The antecedents of e-learning adoption within Italian corporate universities: A comparative case study ICST TRANSACTIONS ON E-EDUCATION AND E-LEARNING 2016
The discursive construal of trust through narration: the case of a semiconductor industry in Avezzano, Abruzzo, Italy Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise VIII, Dicoen VIII Pre-Conference Proceedings 2015
Organizational Innovation and Change 2015
Per una lettura integrata dei dati statistici sull'occupazione. La prospettiva dell'Organizzazione Aziendale Diritto del lavoro e mercato. L'impatto delle riforme del lavoro nell'analisi giuridica dei dati sull'occupazione 2015
Manufacturing and work organization: occurrences and recurrences in industrial evolution SINERGIE 2015
Innovating e-Recruitment Services: An Italian Case Study Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation 2015

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