Stefano Petti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Elder neglect-oral diseases and injuries ORAL DISEASES 2018
World traumatic dental injury prevalence and incidence, a meta-analysis - One billion living people have had traumatic dental injuries DENTAL TRAUMATOLOGY 2018
Betel quid chewing among adult male immigrants from the Indian subcontinent to Italy ORAL DISEASES 2018
The fifth most prevalent disease is being neglected by public health organisations THE LANCET GLOBAL HEALTH 2018
Occupational risk for Legionella infection among dental healthcare workers: meta-analysis in occupational epidemiology BMJ OPEN 2017
Evaluation of microbiota associated with Herpesviruses in active sites of generalized aggressive periodontitis ANNALI DI STOMATOLOGIA 2017
Did a patient acquire legionella pneumophila from the cup filler of a dental unit or did a patient infected with l. pneumophila contaminate the cup filler? THE JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL INFECTION 2017
From ‘Legionellosis acquired through a dental unit’ to ‘Was Legionellosis acquired through a dental unit?’ THE JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL INFECTION 2017
Psychological disorders and oral lichen planus: matched case-control study and literature review ORAL DISEASES 2016
Nano-TiO2-based photocatalytic disinfection of environmental surfaces contaminated by meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus THE JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL INFECTION 2016
Ebola virus infection among western healthcare workers unable to recall the transmission route BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2016
The chicken-egg dilemma: Legionnaires' disease and retrograde contamination of dental unit waterlines INFECTION CONTROL AND HOSPITAL EPIDEMIOLOGY 2016
Healthcare outbreaks associated with dental unit water systems. Strong scientific evidence of minimal risk CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2016
Tuberculosis: Occupational risk among dental healthcare workers and risk for infection among dental patients. A meta-narrative review JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY 2016
Viewing humans as molecules to improve accuracy of clinical predictions ORAL DISEASES 2016
Oral cancer screening usefulness: Between true and perceived effectiveness ORAL DISEASES 2016
Over two hundred million injuries to anterior teeth attributable to large overjet: a meta-analysis DENTAL TRAUMATOLOGY 2015
Viral haemorrhagic fevers with emphasis on Ebola virus disease and oro-dental healthcare ORAL DISEASES 2015
Within-family discussion on harmful effects of smoking and intention to initiate smoking among European adolescents JOURNAL OF ADDICTION MEDICINE 2015

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