Monica Rocco


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Propofol sedation reduces diaphragm activity in spontaneously breathing patients. Ultrasound assessment MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA 2017
Optic nerve sheath diameter ultrasound evaluation in intensive care unit. possible role and clinical aspects in neurological critical patients' daily monitoring BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2017
Low-dose buprenorphine infusion to prevent postoperative hyperalgesia in patients undergoing major lung surgery and remifentanil infusion. a double-blind, randomized, active-controlled trial BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA 2017
Should we be aware of autonomic nervous system control before performing head-down laparoscopy? MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA 2017
Clinical predictors and microbiology of ventilator-associated pneumonia in the intensive care unita. a retrospective analysis in six Italian hospitals EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2016
Effects of passive leg raising on microvascular venous compartment in critically ill patients MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA 2016
Changed epidemiology of ICU acquired bloodstream infections over 12 years in an Italian teaching hospital MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA 2015
Dose of colistin. a work in progress? CRITICAL CARE 2015
Status epilepticus in critically ill patients EUROPEAN MEDICAL JOURNAL. NEUROLOGY 2015
Microbiologic characteristics and predictors of mortality in bloodstream infections in intensive care unit patients. a 1-year, large, prospective surveillance study in 5 Italian hospitals AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INFECTION CONTROL 2015
Does the addition of a second daily session of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to intratympanic steroid influence the outcomes of sudden hearing loss? [L’aggiunta di una seconda sessione giornaliera di camera iperbarica al trattamento steroideo intratimpanico influenza i risultati terapeutici nella sordità improvvisa?] ACTA OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICA ITALICA 2015
Successful treatment of cerebral arterial gas embolism following uneventful TBNA JOURNAL OF PULMONARY & RESPIRATORY MEDICINE 2015
Safety and efficacy of colistin versus meropenem in the empirical treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia as part of a macro-project funded by the Seventh Framework Program of the European Commission studying off-patent antibiotics. study protocol for a randomized controlled trial TRIALS 2015
Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter ultrasound evaluation in Intensive Care Units for Brain Death diagnosis CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES 2015

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