Rinaldo Trotta


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
On-demand generation of background-free single photons from a solid-state source APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2018
Effects of dielectric stoichiometry on the photoluminescence properties of encapsulated WSe2monolayers NANO RESEARCH 2018
Strain-tuning of the optical properties of semiconductor nanomaterials by integration onto piezoelectric actuators SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2018
High-Yield Fabrication of Entangled Photon Emitters for Hybrid Quantum Networking Using High-Temperature Droplet Epitaxy NANO LETTERS 2018
All-photonic quantum teleportation using on-demand solid-state quantum emitters SCIENCE ADVANCES 2018
Strain-Tunable GaAs Quantum Dot: A Nearly Dephasing-Free Source of Entangled Photon Pairs on Demand PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2018
Uniaxial stress flips the natural quantization axis of a quantum dot for integrated quantum photonics NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2018
Effect of second-order piezoelectricity on the excitonic structure of stress-tuned In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots PHYSICAL REVIEW. B 2018
On-demand semiconductor source of 780-nm single photons with controlled temporal wave packets PHYSICAL REVIEW. B 2018
Semiconductor quantum dots as an ideal source of polarization-entangled photon pairs on-demand: a review JOURNAL OF OPTICS 2018
Phonon-Assisted Two-Photon Interference from Remote Quantum Emitters NANO LETTERS 2017
Inversion of the exciton built-in dipole moment in In(Ga)As quantum dots via nonlinear piezoelectric effect PHYSICAL REVIEW. B 2017
Independent tuning of excitonic emission energy and decay time in single semiconductor quantum dots APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2017
Highly indistinguishable and strongly entangled photons from symmetric GaAs quantum dots NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2017
Electrically-Pumped Wavelength-Tunable GaAs Quantum Dots Interfaced with Rubidium Atoms ACS PHOTONICS 2017
Comparison of different bonding techniques for efficient strain transfer using piezoelectric actuators JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2017
Two-photon interference from two blinking quantum emitters PHYSICAL REVIEW. B 2017
Strong delay of quantum dot single photons in cesium vapor Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2017
Wavelength-tunable sources of entangled photons interfaced with atomic vapours NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2016
Reversible control of in-plane elastic stress tensor in nanomembranes ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 2016

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