In 2015, Sapienza University funded the acquisition of a multifunctional system SAXS/GISAXS/GIWAXS (Small/Grazing Incidence Small/Wide Angle X-Ray Scattering). The proposal was only partially financed; then, this project aims at completing the instrumentation with parts of the original project not implemented for reduction of funds.
The SAXSLab Sapienza allows for the structural characterization of condensed matter, both solid and soft, at the nano-scales. Although present in many research laboratories at an international level, this instrumentation is unique in terms of type and configuration within Sapienza, and in Lazio region, where a relevant part of the Italian research is localized, with the presence of important Universities, and research centers (INFN, CNR, ISS and ENEA). Importantly, it disseminates the potential of Xray scattering technique within the scientific community and small and medium enterprises and companies.
This proposal, which involves 59 researchers belonging to 5 Faculties and 13 departments, aims at the upgrade of the SAXS instruments to improve their performances and broaden their use. To this end, three accessories are identified as particularly useful:
1. A second X-ray source with Molybdenum radiation, with higher photon energy and therefore penetration capability, to be added to the present Copper source. The two sources are motorized and interchangeable;
2. A multipurpose sample holder equipped with a Peltier device for experiments at controlled temperature;
3. A thermostated low noise flow cell to measure samples with low signal-to-noise ratio;
These three accessories will allow
a) the characterization of samples that have strong absorption of Cu K alpha radiation;
b) the study of the structure of solid, liquid, gel samples as a function of temperature;
c) the increase of the signal-to-noise ratio with respect to the measurements in quartz capillary, mainly at small angle scattering, for biological systems at low concentration.
In perfect agreement with the scope of the University LEprojects, the tool is accessible to researchers from Sapienza, other Italian and foreign universities and to the industrial world. Well-defined guidelines regulate the access.
Research projects which take advantage of the facility and the extended performances proposed in this project include: the study of structures formed by the self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules in solution, the study of the structure of ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents and their solubilization properties, the characterization of nanoparticles, the characterization of purified recombinant protein samples, the study of the interaction between DNA nano-constructs, the study of orientation of solid phases grown on surfaces.
The degree of attractiveness in term of collaborations is demonstrated by the following report of the SAXSLab activities, which remarkable if considering the effects of pandemic.
The scientific activity of SAXSLab Sapienza started at the end of October 2018.
Since November 2018, several research groups have benefitted from the SAXSLab Sapienza instrumentation.
Researchers of Sapienza University benefitted of more than 40 % of the total requested machine-time, several groups initially not supporting the 2015 proposal approached the new instrumentation. Experiments performed include studies of: self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules, the interactions of DNA constructs, crystallization of polymers, structure of ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents, nanoparticles, proteins, composite gels. Users belong to 4 departments (Chemistry, Physics, Biochemical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technologies) and 2 different faculties (Science, Medicine).
Users were also from CNR groups (e.g. Institute of Complex Systems - ISC-CNR) and other external researchers including Politecnico di Milano, Università Statale di Milano, Excelsus Structural Solutions AG, Opocrin SPA. The activities allowed Sapienza groups to reinforce scientific partnerships with several organizations such as: University of Cagliari, University of Florence, ETH of Zurich, Queen Mary University of London, University of Naples Federico II, University of Camerino, University of Palermo.
Machine time was also dedicated to technical tests of experimental setups, software upgrade, hardware installation, calibrations, reference measurements, problem solving.
Both permanent staff (Professors, researchers), post-docs and PhD and Master students took part to experiments at SAXSLab.
SAXSLab Sapienza has been also involved in dissemination activities.
The instrumentation was presented during the event "Large equipment of interest to the University" at Sapienza University in May 2019, and at the Nanoinnovation conference 2019 and 2020, within sessions dedicated to the ATOM project of Lazio Region, aimed at building a center of advanced scientific instrumentation based in Sapienza.
On 4th July 2019 an Inauguration scientific symposium open to the whole Sapienza community was organized, in which 5 international experts were invited to illustrate applications of X-ray scattering techniques for the characterization of matter in diverse fields.
In occasion of the European Night of Researchers 2019 (27th September), SAXSLab Sapienza welcomed students and external visitors of any age for lab visiting, measurement demonstrtions, and illustration of principles of the scattering techniques.
During the Workshop Share Science organized by the Science Faculty in October 2019 a poster entitled SAXSLab Sapienza: University facility for the structural characterization of matter at the nano- and meso-scale was presented to promote the use of the techniques by illustrating the working principles and experiments.
During the event Christmas Seminars of the Chemistry Department 2019 guided tours of SAXSLab Sapienza were provided for high-school classes.
The experience of the first year of operation of SAXSLab Sapienza was object of an interview article published on the website of the Xenocs company in the section Customer testimonials (How Sapienza University of Rome accelerates research with the Xeuss SAXS/WAXS instrument from Xenocs).
A course for PhD students titled "SAXS: basics and applications" was introduced in 2019 and held in 2019/2020 (5 participants) and 2020/2021 (9 participants). It also involved practical sessions of data acquisition and analysis based on the use of SAXSLab instrumentation.
A course of the master's degree in industrial chemistry (Physical Chemistry III) involved lab activities at SAXSLab Sapienza in 2019/2020 and 2020/2021.
A total number of 48 users exploited SAXSLab platform coming from: Sapienza (26), CNR (2), External (20).
A total number of 133 experimental sessions was performed of which: 47 for testing/optimization, 86 for research