Mara Matta


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Indigeneities and heterophoties. Elective affinities in the film My Bicycle by the Bangladeshi Rakhine director Aung Rakhine ARCHIV ORIENTÁLNÍ 2024
La spudorata speranza di Lilith Le femmine e i cani non possono entrare. Diario di una donna che ha lottato per sopravvivere 2023
Shooting Back: Photography and Videomaking to Confront the Silencing of Being Locked Up During the COVID-19 Lockdown in the Rohingya Refugee Camps of Bangladesh. The COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and Africa Societal Implications, Narratives on Media, Political Issues. 2023
The Protic Project. Outcomes from a ICT4D action research in rural Bangladesh Sapienza for International Development Cooperation 2021
The Danse Macabre of Bangladesh. Humayun Azad’s creative interruptions in an Age of Anger ANGLISTICA AION AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL 2021
Questioni di genere nel «nuovo» cinema migrante Genere, sesso, migrazione. Riflessi transdisciplinari 2021
Voci di donne fuori dal coro: memoria culturale e storia di genere nel romanzo del Bangladesh Il romanzo del nuovo millennio 2020
Tibetan diaspora cinema: traces of memory, visions of hope Resistant hybridities: New narratives of exile Tibet 2020
Maternità, inanità, libertà: la "follia" delle madri della nazione bangladese nel documentario Una certa liberazione di Yasmine Kabir. Madri d'Oriente tra tradizione e dissenso 2020
Diasporic narratives and migrant memories in 'The Teak Almirah' by Indian Jewish author Jael Silliman TEXTUS 2020
Polyandry, sexuality and the (mis)representation of indigenous women on Indian screens. The film Sonam: The Fortunate One Media, Indigeneity and Nation in South Asia 2019
Beyond the mystic line: a diasporic Tibetan cinema of nostalgia RIVISTA DEGLI STUDI ORIENTALI 2019
Profiling Tibetan diasporic cinema from a gender perspective. Wind horses. Tibetan, himalayan and mongolian studies 2019
Calcutta Blues: mappe sensoriali e percorsi della nostalgia nel dramma Calcutta Kosher di Shelley Silas. Le metropoli in Asia 2018
«The Karma of Chicken Curry». Tibetan Masala films and youth narratives of exile ANNALI DI CA' FOSCARI. SERIE ORIENTALE 2018
L’urlo ferino di Kishwar Naheed Poesie Scelte 2018
The Novel and the Northeast: indigenous narratives in Indian literatures Indian Literature and the World : Multilingualism, Translation and the Public Sphere 2017
Nudo di donna: ri(s)coprire la Devi Le verità del velo 2017
Calcutta Kosher and The man with many hats. Recasting the Baghdadi Jews as a ‘new’ minority in contemporary India STUDI E MATERIALI DI STORIA DELLE RELIGIONI 2017
Through the women's body: staging rebellion in the play Purdah by Ismail Mahomed SAMYUKTA 2016

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