Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Power Reduction in FM Networks by Mixed-Integer Programming. A Case Study | IEEE ACCESS | 2024 |
Dma: Digital Markets Act or Digital Markets Armistice? | MERCATO CONCORRENZA REGOLE | 2021 |
An O(n2logn) algorithm for the weighted stable set problem in claw-free graphs | MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING | 2020 |
An O(mlogn) algorithm for the weighted stable set problem in claw-free graphs with α(G)≤3 | MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING | 2017 |
An O(n√m) algorithm for the weighted stable set problem in claw, net-free graphs with α(G)≥4 | DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION | 2016 |
Fiber to the people: The development of the ultra-broadband network in Italy | POLITICA ECONOMICA | 2016 |
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